A DEM file of the north part of the Cape peninsula, with its most well
known landmarks. Scaled 50m data is courtesy of the Capetown survey dept.
If you wish to create a DEM of your own area a general procedure is to:
1. Strip the header from the raw data with an editor eg Cygnus.
2. Calculate the dimensions if they are not embedded in the file
(this one was 461*566).
3. Extract the heights using a simple looping program eg in Basic and
output a file of SetAltitude x,y,height commands. (see the Vista docs)
4. Create a blank Vista script file and append your Setaltitude list to it.
(Join them or use your editor)
5. Executing the Vista Script will now import the data -> DEM. You will
have to use a Large Landscape setting for greater than 256*256 values.
Any comments or queries, just email me.
PCs Lure, Amigas Rule.