84782 packages online
pix/3dobj/gr_liberator.lha |
No screenshot available
Here it (finally) is the Liberator from "Blake's 7" in Imagine format. Source for
this object was the 1982 issue of Space Voyager which featured plans of Deep Space
Vessel named "Liberator". Drawn by Ian Ambrose from the original design by Roger
These plans were also, I think, supplied with the Comet Miniatures model kit.
This project has been delayed for a bit whilst I decided whether to apply a hull
texture (bitmap or procedural) and sorting out the colour scheme of the ship.
The last render I did (supplied) has sorted out the first issue although I'm not
entirely happy with the colouration.
This object is not copyright so feel free to tinker with it in any way.
If anyone has any luck with applying hull plating or just does a nice picture
using this object, I'd enjoy seeing it.
Contact: graft@deepwoods.saccii.net.au
See also: gr_dalek.lha Dalek in Imagine format.
K_Worms.lha (in game/data) Levels for Worms by Keith Baker.
Contents of pix/3dobj/gr_liberator.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 139455 360978 38.6% -lh5- 27c6 Feb 20 1998 Liberator.iob
[generic] 24950 24950 100.0% -lh0- 48e5 Feb 20 1998 liberator.jpg
[generic] 573 972 59.0% -lh5- ecd7 Feb 20 1998 liberator.readme
[generic] 255 351 72.6% -lh5- 05f2 Feb 20 1998 liberator.readme.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 4 files 165233 387251 42.7% Feb 20 1998
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