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Short:BSG Colonial ViperMk2 for Lightwave 5
Author:Klearchos Gourgourinis (Muadib)
Uploader:muadibas25 hotmail com (Muadib)
Download:pix/3dobj/lw_ViperMk2.lha - View contents


This archive contains objects, textures and scenes of the iconic Viper Mk2 
as depicted in the Reimagined Battlestar Galactica.

A promo-example video I made of it can be watched here:

The original model is made by Sean Kennedy a.k.a. "Treybor" 
(, it is to be used for private use only and 
cannot be used commercially. Credit must be given to the original artist 
when and if images or animations use the model.

All other models (thruster jets, flames, bullets, conversion corrections, 
material changes) as well as scenes are done by me, "muadib", and they are 
also to be used for private use only and cannot be used commercially. 
Credit must be given to the artist when and if distributed images or 
animations use the model.


Some time ago I had stumbled upon Sean's on homepage
and started playing around with it on LW 9. Yet, I was always attracted 
by the idea to convert it to LW 5 format for the Amiga and show that stuff 
that was done in BSG's video FX can also be done on the Amiga, so I started 
converting it during Summer '17.

The model layers were very accurate and bound together nicely but I had to 
bind them all under an extra Null Object called "*-Correction Null-*" in 
order to re-orient the Viper's bow-stern along the Z-axis (doing it in 
Modeled resulted in all the textures facing 90 degrees wrong, and I didn't 
want to spend time re-orienting all images), as well as scale the object to
its correct proportions.

I also wanted to have the stars to be reflected from the cockpit glass 
as well, so after experimenting with Reflection maps I finally made a big
Starsphere with repeating star pattern image of the original stars present
on the promo screens, that have the advantage of realistically being 
Motion-Blurred and Depth-of-Fielded.

After some more detail-corrections and readjustments the object was ready
to animate... I then modelled the RCS thruster jets, main thruster flames, 
lights, but I needed a way to animate the bullets... 

Enter Sparks! Nozzle objects had to be introduced so I actually had to 
record their positions and rotations frame-by-frame (!!) since the nozzles 
should not be children of the main object, but have their own motion paths 

After that, I had to watch BSG battle scenes again and again (and again) 
just to understand HOW THE FRAK the bullets were modelled and fired. I found
a nice still, modelled the bullet object, read about projectile speeds and
rate-of-fire and tried to render, only to find after a while that the 
bullets were excluded from being Motion Blurred (a newer LW feature). Not
losing faith, I quickly came up with solving this, too, by rendering the 
bullets alone on a seperate scene with only 5% MB, hence the 3 Weapon 
scenes included in the archive.

When I was ready and after fine-tuning stuff here and there, I contacted 
Treybor as well as the great Richard Gibbs (that wrote the music for the BSG
MiniSeries I am using on the promo video) Epic, huh?!


A fast Amiga with at least 64 MB of Fast Ram and a working LightWave 5.0 
installation. However, More than ~100MB memory is required for the _promo_ 

The scenes and objects could be working on earlier or later LW versions in 
other platforms, although I haven't tested it.


Just extract the archive into your 3D: directory. 


You are free to use the objects or scenes for your renderings, as long as
you mention the respective creators in your credits, if you plan on 
uploading images or animations on the internet. The archive may not be 
uploaded neither as a whole or in parts to other repository other than 
Aminet unless you ask me first. 

Feel free to mail me if you liked it or have any questions, 
I'd be happy to help! 

Happy renderings,

Klearchos Gourgourinis a.k.a. Muadib
Vimeo channel:
Youtube channel:

Original model by Sean Kennedy a.k.a. Treybor

Original music by Richard Gibbs

Join the 'Amiga Raytracing Society' on FB!

Contents of pix/3dobj/lw_ViperMk2.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[unknown]                 2223    4498  49.4% -lh5- 6ff4 Nov 11 14:32 Viper_Mk2/lw_Viper_Mk2.readme
[unknown]                 2842    6020  47.2% -lh5- 3c9e Nov  9 23:06 Viper_Mk2/Objects/CannonRound4
[unknown]                 2853    6020  47.4% -lh5- c67f Nov  2 19:55 Viper_Mk2/Objects/CannonRound4_small
[unknown]                 1037    1748  59.3% -lh5- 1452 Nov  9 22:11 Viper_Mk2/Objects/Crab_Nebula
[unknown]                  640    1248  51.3% -lh5- 0806 Oct 24 18:36 Viper_Mk2/Objects/GunBurst
[unknown]                 1586    3538  44.8% -lh5- d665 Nov  9 22:25 Viper_Mk2/Objects/GunBurst2
[unknown]                  172     228  75.4% -lh5- dfa7 Oct 15 20:00 Viper_Mk2/Objects/Gun_nozzle-Left.lwo
[unknown]                  172     228  75.4% -lh5- dfa7 Oct 15 20:00 Viper_Mk2/Objects/Gun_nozzle-Right.lwo
[unknown]                  172     228  75.4% -lh5- dfa7 Oct 24 20:55 Viper_Mk2/Objects/LeftNozzle.lwo
[unknown]                 4322    9684  44.6% -lh5- b881 Nov  8 21:21 Viper_Mk2/Objects/Nebulas_stars_bullets
[unknown]                   32      32 100.0% -lh0- e897 Oct 19 19:41 Viper_Mk2/Objects/NullObject
[unknown]                 1374    1718  80.0% -lh5- 94e3 Nov  9 22:05 Viper_Mk2/Objects/
[unknown]                  172     228  75.4% -lh5- dfa7 Oct 24 20:55 Viper_Mk2/Objects/RightNozzle.lwo
[unknown]               328615  464646  70.7% -lh5- 0649 Nov  9 22:11 Viper_Mk2/Objects/Stars-phase2
[unknown]                 2432    5392  45.1% -lh5- 298f Nov  9 22:11 Viper_Mk2/Objects/Starsphere
[unknown]                  864    2588  33.4% -lh5- 4163 Nov  9 22:12 Viper_Mk2/Objects/StarsWStarsphere-Nebula.scn
[unknown]               245953  436192  56.4% -lh5- b792 Nov  9 23:00 Viper_Mk2/Objects/ViperMk2_Body.lwo
[unknown]               245940  436174  56.4% -lh5- a5ec Nov  9 23:06 Viper_Mk2/Objects/ViperMk2_Body_LightsOff.lwo
[unknown]               246025  436368  56.4% -lh5- 2e64 Sep 16 14:07 Viper_Mk2/Objects/ViperMk2_Body_old.lwo
[unknown]                35461   62508  56.7% -lh5- f3e5 Nov  9 23:06 Viper_Mk2/Objects/ViperMk2_Canopy.lwo
[unknown]                 8961   18448  48.6% -lh5- ed5a Nov  9 23:06 Viper_Mk2/Objects/ViperMk2_CockpitControls.lwo
[unknown]                  589     944  62.4% -lh5- 983e Nov  9 23:06 Viper_Mk2/Objects/ViperMk2_FrontGearCoverL.lwo
[unknown]                  583     944  61.8% -lh5- 9067 Nov  9 23:06 Viper_Mk2/Objects/ViperMk2_FrontGearCoverR.lwo
[unknown]                53962   96012  56.2% -lh5- ff51 Nov  9 22:25 Viper_Mk2/Objects/ViperMk2_LeftWing.lwo
[unknown]                53948   95994  56.2% -lh5- 66dd Nov  9 23:06 Viper_Mk2/Objects/ViperMk2_LeftWing_LightsOff.lwo
[unknown]                27505   56270  48.9% -lh5- b3b1 Sep 16 12:54 Viper_Mk2/Objects/ViperMk2_RCS-flame.lwo
[unknown]                27482   56244  48.9% -lh5- 698c Sep 17 00:25 Viper_Mk2/Objects/ViperMk2_RCS-flame2.lwo
[unknown]                23346   56072  41.6% -lh5- efcd Nov  9 22:17 Viper_Mk2/Objects/ViperMk2_RCS-flame3.lwo
[unknown]                25630   56072  45.7% -lh5- e139 Nov  9 22:25 Viper_Mk2/Objects/ViperMk2_RCS-flame3b.lwo
[unknown]                25631   56076  45.7% -lh5- 8444 Nov  9 22:17 Viper_Mk2/Objects/ViperMk2_RCS-flame3c.lwo
[unknown]                25804   56098  46.0% -lh5- f29a Sep 24 16:08 Viper_Mk2/Objects/ViperMk2_RCS-flameCone.lwo
[unknown]                 1489    2812  53.0% -lh5- cb7e Nov  9 23:06 Viper_Mk2/Objects/ViperMk2_RearGearCovers.lwo
[unknown]                53836   95976  56.1% -lh5- 0285 Nov  9 22:25 Viper_Mk2/Objects/ViperMk2_RightWing.lwo
[unknown]                53822   95958  56.1% -lh5- 0a9b Nov  9 23:06 Viper_Mk2/Objects/ViperMk2_RightWing_LightsOff.lwo
[unknown]                 1923    4044  47.6% -lh5- 9b45 Nov  2 21:21 Viper_Mk2/Objects/ViperMk2_ThrusterBackwash.lwo
[unknown]                 5184   11212  46.2% -lh5- 3102 Nov  9 22:25 Viper_Mk2/Objects/ViperMk2_ThrusterFlame.lwo
[unknown]                 3034    6364  47.7% -lh5- 98bd Nov  9 22:25 Viper_Mk2/Objects/ViperMk2_ThrusterFlameFuzz.lwo
[unknown]               438682  729808  60.1% -lh5- 2518 Nov  9 23:06 Viper_Mk2/Objects/ViperMk2_Thrusters.lwo
[unknown]               206985  345610  59.9% -lh5- 2932 Nov  9 23:06 Viper_Mk2/Objects/ViperMk2_TopWing.lwo
[unknown]                 2136    4299  49.7% -lh5- be8c Nov 11 14:18 Viper_Mk2/ReadMe.txt
[unknown]                  890    2252  39.5% -lh5- 5cba Nov  9 22:18 Viper_Mk2/Scenes/ThrusterMainFlame_test.lws
[unknown]                 3321   34048   9.8% -lh5- 9815 Nov  9 22:27 Viper_Mk2/Scenes/ViperMk2_Promo_Flyby.lws
[unknown]                 4001   37128  10.8% -lh5- 6945 Nov  9 22:59 Viper_Mk2/Scenes/ViperMk2_Promo_Weapons_Stage1.lws
[unknown]                43956  203652  21.6% -lh5- e7d5 Nov  9 23:00 Viper_Mk2/Scenes/ViperMk2_Promo_Weapons_Stage2.lws
[unknown]                  663    1424  46.6% -lh5- 6706 Nov  4 09:46 Viper_Mk2/Scenes/ViperMk2_Promo_Weapons_Stage3.lws
[unknown]                 2196   24764   8.9% -lh5- 02e4 Nov 11 13:33 Viper_Mk2/Scenes/ViperMk2_setup_DEFAULT.lws
[unknown]                 6469   46034  14.1% -lh5- 7004 Jul 29  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/aftmech.srf
[unknown]                 7459    7459 100.0% -lh0- b027 Apr 15  2017 Viper_Mk2/Textures/aftmechM.jpg
[unknown]                 6199    6199 100.0% -lh0- dc93 Jul 27  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/basicred.jpg
[unknown]                14154   14154 100.0% -lh0- c411 Jul 29  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/CAUTION1.jpg
[unknown]                14048   14048 100.0% -lh0- 7129 Jul 29  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/CAUTION2.jpg
[unknown]                17129   17129 100.0% -lh0- 215a Jul 29  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/COCKPITm.jpg
[unknown]              2425350 4320018  56.1% -lh5- d326 Oct 30  2013 Viper_Mk2/Textures/Crab_Nebula_small.tga
[unknown]               561527 1899430  29.6% -lh5- 04a7 Nov 12  2015 Viper_Mk2/Textures/Crab_nebula_small_alpha3.iff
[unknown]               110938  110938 100.0% -lh0- b1a7 Aug  1  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/dash.jpg
[unknown]                61329   61329 100.0% -lh0- 98f4 Aug  1  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/dashL.jpg
[unknown]                47997  292512  16.4% -lh5- afb7 Jul 29  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/emblem.bmp
[unknown]                48409  292512  16.5% -lh5- 38ff Jul 29  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/emblem2.bmp
[unknown]                 3652   98936   3.7% -lh5- 25bd Jul 27  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/emblemA.bmp
[unknown]                 3641   98936   3.7% -lh5- 9109 Jul 27  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/emblemA2.bmp
[unknown]                19267   19267 100.0% -lh0- afeb Jul 29  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/ENG1L_M.jpg
[unknown]                 8005    8005 100.0% -lh0- 1a91 Jul 29  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/eng1redM.jpg
[unknown]                19320   19320 100.0% -lh0- d48a Jul 29  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/ENG1R_M.jpg
[unknown]                11451   11451 100.0% -lh0- e2d2 Jul 29  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/ENG23_M.jpg
[unknown]                27699   27699 100.0% -lh0- 9f99 Jul 29  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/ENG2ERED_M.jpg
[unknown]                26993   26993 100.0% -lh0- 4e57 Jul 29  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/ENG3ERED_M.jpg
[unknown]                 9882    9882 100.0% -lh0- e8b1 Jul 29  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/engcoreM.jpg
[unknown]                14401   14401 100.0% -lh0- cec2 Jul 29  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/ENGWORDS1_M.jpg
[unknown]                14399   14399 100.0% -lh0- 631e Jul 29  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/ENGWORDS2_M.jpg
[unknown]                 7574    7574 100.0% -lh0- d2ce Jul 27  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/foremechM.jpg
[unknown]                20460   20460 100.0% -lh0- 8445 Apr 15  2017 Viper_Mk2/Textures/gearboxM.jpg
[unknown]                10941   10941 100.0% -lh0- 1883 Jul 29  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/INTAKEWARN1.jpg
[unknown]                11147   11147 100.0% -lh0- 44d8 Jul 29  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/INTAKEWARN2.jpg
[unknown]                 8430    8430 100.0% -lh0- 3e3a Jul 29  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/laserM.jpg
[unknown]                  277     462  60.0% -lh5- bf85 Jul 27  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/nose.srf
[unknown]                10833   10833 100.0% -lh0- 466f Jul 27  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/nosebotM.jpg
[unknown]                15451   15451 100.0% -lh0- 4237 Apr 15  2017 Viper_Mk2/Textures/noseM.jpg
[unknown]                12997   12997 100.0% -lh0- 2c3a Apr 15  2017 Viper_Mk2/Textures/nosetopM.jpg
[unknown]                20141   20141 100.0% -lh0- d2c7 Jul 29  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/PILOTNAME1.jpg
[unknown]                20236   20236 100.0% -lh0- 9647 Jul 29  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/PILOTNAME2.jpg
[unknown]                 8260    8260 100.0% -lh0- 66ce Apr 15  2017 Viper_Mk2/Textures/rescue1.jpg
[unknown]                 8163    8163 100.0% -lh0- 711d Apr 15  2017 Viper_Mk2/Textures/rescue2.jpg
[unknown]                97420   97420 100.0% -lh0- 327f Aug  1  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/screenM.jpg
[unknown]                22161   22161 100.0% -lh0- 9d56 Jul 27  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/seatyello.jpg
[unknown]                12353   12353 100.0% -lh0- 7154 Jul 29  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/SERVICE1.jpg
[unknown]                12348   12348 100.0% -lh0- 13fb Jul 29  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/SERVICE2.jpg
[unknown]               190073  573042  33.2% -lh5- e871 Sep  9 21:19 Viper_Mk2/Textures/stars-ColorMap-001.iff
[unknown]                 6232    6232 100.0% -lh0- 6aae Jul 27  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/thrustM.jpg
[unknown]                  304     664  45.8% -lh5- 6fa2 Jul 29  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/under.srf
[unknown]                 9881    9881 100.0% -lh0- 8497 Jul 29  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/underbumbM.jpg
[unknown]                 6227    6227 100.0% -lh0- 0cde Aug  1  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/vertstabG1M.jpg
[unknown]                 3099    3099 100.0% -lh0- f6fa Apr 15  2017 Viper_Mk2/Textures/vertstabG2M.jpg
[unknown]                15169   15169 100.0% -lh0- b1fc Jul 27  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/vertstab_M.jpg
[unknown]                20193   20193 100.0% -lh0- 13cc Apr 15  2017 Viper_Mk2/Textures/wethering.jpg
[unknown]                21662   21662 100.0% -lh0- d37d Jul 27  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/wingB_lf.jpg
[unknown]                21743   21743 100.0% -lh0- 90df Jul 27  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/wingB_rt.jpg
[unknown]                24310   24310 100.0% -lh0- 7ba4 Jul 27  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/wingT_f.jpg
[unknown]                23839   23839 100.0% -lh0- eacb Jul 27  2004 Viper_Mk2/Textures/wingT_rt.jpg
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        98 files 6340088 12484300  50.8%            Nov 11 19:53
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