84782 packages online
pix/anim/DeathWalk.lha |
No screenshot available
Another Paul Henderson Anim.
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
1604 950 40.7% 18-Mar-92 18:19:32 +picend
1904 1842 3.2% 17-Apr-89 09:43:40 +PICSHOW
4564 4431 2.9% 12-Mar-80 10:06:26 +PPShow
232 122 47.4% 02-Sep-92 12:30:24 +system-configuration
6604 893 86.4% 02-Sep-92 12:30:46 Disk.info
714396 326662 54.2% 02-Sep-92 13:02:10 dwalk
1712 1202 29.7% 02-Sep-92 12:32:32 install
6036 4123 31.6% 12-Mar-80 09:55:18 +powerpacker.library
65600 29168 55.5% 02-Sep-92 12:28:16 movieplayer
12426 4362 64.8% 02-Sep-92 12:30:52 name
460 266 42.1% 02-Sep-92 12:30:54 name.info
318 177 44.3% 02-Sep-92 12:23:34 Pointer.pre
513 258 49.7% 02-Sep-92 12:23:36 Pointer.pre.info
48 46 4.1% 02-Sep-92 12:23:34 +startup-sequence
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
816417 374502 54.1% 06-Jun-95 17:18:22 14 files
Contents of pix/anim/DeathWalk.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 950 1604 59.2% -lh5- d4b2 Mar 18 1992 c/picend
[generic] 1842 1904 96.7% -lh5- da21 Apr 17 1989 c/PICSHOW
[generic] 4431 4564 97.1% -lh5- 0375 Mar 12 1980 c/PPShow
[generic] 122 232 52.6% -lh5- 666d Sep 2 1992 devs/system-configuration
[generic] 893 6604 13.5% -lh5- aad2 Sep 2 1992 Disk.info
[generic] 326662 714396 45.7% -lh5- 1d80 Sep 2 1992 dwalk
[generic] 1202 1712 70.2% -lh5- d26a Sep 2 1992 install
[generic] 4123 6036 68.3% -lh5- f33f Mar 12 1980 libs/powerpacker.library
[generic] 29168 65600 44.5% -lh5- 58c5 Sep 2 1992 movieplayer
[generic] 4362 12426 35.1% -lh5- 0066 Sep 2 1992 name
[generic] 266 460 57.8% -lh5- a0cb Sep 2 1992 name.info
[generic] 177 318 55.7% -lh5- 9129 Sep 2 1992 Pointer.pre
[generic] 258 513 50.3% -lh5- f3fe Sep 2 1992 Pointer.pre.info
[generic] 46 48 95.8% -lh5- ab4c Sep 2 1992 s/startup-sequence
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 14 files 374502 816417 45.9% Jun 16 1995
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