Dr. Who travels through space,
and decides to go check his mail on Earth.
Dr Who Get's The Mail...
This huge animation has taken me many months to do.
I used some very old programs to create the 3D images
1) Aegis Modeler 3D
2) Aegis VideoScape
Other Programs that I used.
Dpaint 4.6 & 5.2 for the Anim and fix ups.
Deluxe Video III to put the Anim together.
Dopus 4.12 & 5.11
CygnusEd V3.5
To View........
This Animation was originaly done in
"DBLPAL:High Res No Flicker" Screen Mode
"DrWhoGTM.lha" the 12 meg version will stay in this
mode and is best viewed in this mode.
The Anims are called
"P01" "P02" "P03" P04" "P05" "P06" "P07"
They stand for Part 01 Part 02 etc.
I have redone the anims in "PAL:High Res Laced"
So you should be able to view them with any monitor.
The Anims are now in a draw and I have included"PPAnim"
to show them all.
All the Anims are in 32 colours, DPaint 5 and 4.6
can do HiRes Anims with this amount of colours.
If you have any trouble viewing them
then let me know.
Some of the Anims may need a bit of chip ram to run.
"DrWhoGTM01.lha" Part 01 of this Anim
"DrWhoGTM02.lha" Part 02 of this Anim
"DrWhoGTM03.lha" Part 03 of this Anim
"DrWhoGTM04.lha" Part 04 of this Anim
"DrWhoGTM05.lha" Part 05 of this Anim
"DrWhoGTM06.lha" Part 06 of this Anim
"DrWhoGTM07.lha" Part 07 of this Anim
"DrWhoGTM08.lha" contains all the Aegis Geo & Setting
Files that I used to create this Anim.
Hope you like them.
If you know of any programs that can string Anims
together, Please let me know.
Amiga 1200, 16 Meg Ram