---- Don't Drink and Morph! ----
Bruno Costa & Lucia Darsa
This animation was created using Visionaire, the newest and most
powerful morphing and image warping software for the Amiga.
Visionaire is published by Impulse, Inc, the well known publisher of
quality Amiga software like Imagine. This animation is freely
distributable as long as this ReadMe file is also included.
If you wish to send us any comments or suggestions, we can be reached
on Internet as bruno@visgraf.impa.br or lucia@visgraf.impa.br. We
would *really* like to hear your opinion.
The Making Of
This animation contains in fact two animations, a morphing and a
warping, and it was created in an Amiga 3000 computer.
The 30 frame morphing of the woman into the cheetah was created
separately, in 6 min. Notice the localized control of the morphing in
the woman's hair, that is, parts of the image morph before (or after)
other parts. In this case, intermediate frames show the face of the
cheetah with the hair of the woman, for a more realistic effect.
Without local control, the intermediate frames would show the face of
the cheetah, and the woman's hair blended with parts of the face of
the cheetah, instead of a clear woman hair. This kind of local
control is essential to achieve professional results.
The warping of the glass also contains 30 frames. The original glass
was the whisky glass, which was deformed separately to the shape of a
champagne glass and a wine glass. This warping was automatically
overlaid over the morphing animation created before. This is a
powerful feature of Visionaire, called background compositing, which
allows you to place a still image, or an animation, behind a warping
or a morphing. Note in this case how the glass lets the background
show through, with a variable transparency. Visionaire allows you to
control the transparency of each part of the image that is being
rendered very easily. The rendering of the final animation, including
background compositing, anti-aliasing and HAM and ANIM conversions,
was done in less than 18 min.
The original images were all 256 colors, and the animation is in HAM
mode, which has several well known limitations. The 24bit output is
obviously a LOT better.
Some of Visionaire Features:
- Morphing, Warping and Dissolving;
- Range of effects is limited only by your imagination;
- Morphing and Warping using animations as input (to create warpings
and morphings of moving subjects, like in the "Black or White" clip);
- Color and Shape Mixers give total visual control over the progress of
the warping or morphing, limited only by your imagination;
- Exclusive Local Color and Shape Mixers allow the warping or morphing
of different parts of the images at different times (a *must* for
professional results!);
- Sophisticated 2 level antialiasing, the best for dramatic deformations;
- The best and most complete alpha channel support, for transparencies
and background compositing;
- Support for 24-bit displays and single-frame video tape recorders.
- Unlimited Undo/Redo capability;
- Full support for Workbench 2.0 and beyond, including ARexx, public
screens and special display modes;
- Intuitive, easy-to-use user interface, including an Expert Mode;
- Fully configurable keyboard shortcuts and macros;
- Completely customizable with many preferences-like requesters.
- Includes predefined ARexx macros that allows you to create special
effects without knowing anything about ARexx.
- Includes ready-to-use effects such as Sphere, Wave and Twirl, and
you can easily create your own effects, too. The effects are
naturally integrated with the rest of the package, and can be
combined with all the other features.
- Comprehensive 180 page user and reference manual, including
many tutorials and examples, and also a reference for all menus,
requesters and ARexx commands.
Visionaire is available NOW from Impulse, Inc:
Impulse, Inc.
8416 Xerxes Ave. North
Minneapolis, MN 55444
(612) 425-0557
FAX: (612) 425-0701