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Short:131 frame mandelbrot anim
Download:pix/anim/NautlsIterHam.lha - View contents

     The  NautilusIterHAM.anim animation is a lo-res NTSC, 4096 colour, 131
frame  animation,  showing  an  area of the Mandelbrot set as the number of
iterations  increases.   The effect is of bands of colour spilling onto the
screen in organic and unpredictable ways.

     This  animation  was calculated in a total of about 155 seconds, using
Mand2000.   It  was  generated  using the `IterMovie' ARexx script which is
supplied  with  Mand2000.   This  script is invoked and controlled from the
Mand2000 menus and requesters, and NO KNOWLEDGE of ARexx is required to use

     The  area  displayed by the animation is the `Nautilus' area, from the
Mand2000 `good spots' menu.

     This  amazing, colourful, and strangely beautiful animation is all the
more  amazing because it was produced with an extremely simple mathematical
formula:   Z = Z * Z + C, also  known  as  the Mandelbrot set.  Such is the
power  of  fractals,  that  so  much complexity can come from such a simple

     Those  of  you  who  are  familiar  with Mand2000 may be wondering how
Mand2000  was  able  to  create  an  animation  - in 4096 colours no less -
without  the  use of any external programs.  The answer is that version 2.0
of  Mand2000 is able to create animations directly, and display fractals in
HAM!   Mand2000's  interface  can  now run in HAM, HAM-8, and dithered True
Colour.   Non-AGA  owners, break beyond the 32 colour barrier.  AGA owners,
break  beyond  the  256  colour  barrier.  See your fractals in hundreds or
thousands  of  glorious colours - on ANY Amiga.  AGA NOT required.  The 256
colour  modes  of  third  party  graphics are supported, with dithered True
Colour.   In  order  to  support  all  available  methods of displaying and
printing True Colour graphics, Mand2000 now supports saving 24-bit files.

     As well as creating 24-bit IFF files, Mand2000 2.0 will load arbitrary
IFF  images,  from  all  standard  display  modes,  as  well as IFF 24.  So
Mand2000  2.0  is  not  only the world's best fractal program, it's also an
excellent multi-window image viewer!

     Of  course  Mand2000  still has all of the features which made version
1.0 the best fractal program on the Amiga.  Now, all of these features work
in  HAM,  HAM8  and  dithered  True  Colour, as well as the original colour
mapped  modes.   Now  you can do real time animated fractal zooms in 30,000
colour  HAM8!  Do multi-window fractal exploration in 4096 colour HAM!  Use
the  joystick  to  drive  around  fractals  rendered  in  16 million colour
dithered True Colour!  And much, much more.

    Version  2.0 is in production right now.  If you order your copy before
December 1, 1994 you can still get it at the old price of $30.00 plus $4.95
shipping  and  handling.  After that the price goes up to $40.00 plus $4.95
shipping and handling.

     Mand2000 is a tryware fractal exploration program, with a feature list
and  ease  of  use  that  has  to be seen to be believed.  Demo versions of
Mand2000  1.0  are  available  on  many networks and bulletin boards.  Demo
versions  of  Mand2000 2.0 should be appearing soon.  Better yet, order the
full  program  directly  from  Cygnus  Software.   See below for details on
ordering it.

     This  animation  may  be  freely distributed on a non-profit basis, as
long  as this complete text file is distributed with it.  The images within
may  be  used  as  long  as  full  credit  is  given to Cygnus Software and

	To order the full version of Mand2000, with save enabled, just fill
out the form below.

------------------------------> Cut Here <---------------------------------

Cygnus Software
33 University Square, #199
Madison, WI, 53715, USA

Dear Ma'am/Sir,

    I  would  like  to  order a copy of Mand2000 2.0 for my Amiga __00.  I have
enclosed  US  $44.95  ($34.95  if  before Dec.  1, 1994) in a cheque, money
order,  postal order, or US cash.  I understand that this not only pays for
Mand2000,  but  also  for  shipping  and handling to anywhere in the world.
Wow, what a great deal.

    I heard about Mand2000 through...
    My favourite features are...
    My least favourite feature is...

    Thanks  for  writing  such  a  __________ product.  Please send my
registered copy to:


Contents of pix/anim/NautlsIterHam.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 2018    4302  46.9% -lh5- defe Oct  2  1994 NautilusIter.txt
[generic]               213964  319106  67.1% -lh5- 4d66 Sep  1  1994 NautilusIterHAM.anim
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         2 files  215982  323408  66.8%            Oct  3  1994
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