This MPEG Animation is a part of the Wildfire-Video that will
be shown at the World of Amiga`99 in London. It is generated
using Amiga4000T and Wildfire7\PPC.
Wildfire7\PPC will be demonstrated live at the World of Amiga
two times a day at the big video wall. Andreas Küssner will be
selling Wildfire7\PPC at the Amiga booth, so be there!
Anim 01: Introduction
- some fadings
- 3D bumpmapped text
- spinning 3d text
- composing
Write an email to Andreas Küssner (eksec@eure.de) for more informations
about Wildfire7\PPC and/or the Movieshop connection.
Wildfire\7 Demo files:
biz/demo/Wildfire7_Demo.lha ... Main files of the Demoversion
biz/demo/Wildfire7_PPC.lha ... additional PPC files for PPC+68K, main
files needed!
biz/demo/Wildfire7_3D.lha ... additional 3D operators, main files
biz/demo/Wildfire7_3DF.lha ... additional 3D Text Operator, main files
* Requirements: MUI 3.8
68020 or better with FPU
min. 600x400 Pixel sized Screen
min. 8 MB RAM