84782 packages online
pix/anim/asteroids.lha |
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This is one of my first anims with a space theme. The idea was to create a
realistic asteroid effect like the one seen in Star Wars. I think I've
achieved limited success. Though the lighting is weak in the scene, the rocks
look quite credible.
I've uploaded the spaceship object to Aminet. It should be available as
"gfx/3dobj/spaceship.lha". Both the spaceship and asteroids are made in the
Forms Editor of Imagine to achieve a more complex look. You'll be suprised
how easy it is to create wierd looking spaceships in the Forms Editor.
The original anim was in 640x320, but halved to 320x160 so that the file size
is more manageable. The anim is in HAM8 Anim 8_32 format, so you'll need AGA :)
All done on Amiga 1200/030/40MHz, 8MB Fast.
Other free stuff by me on Aminet:
In gfx/anim
babewalk.lha - walking human female from Manga Babes shareware
chunli.lha - Chun Li of Street Fighter II
dragonball.lha - Songoku of Dragonball
In gfx/3dobj
dragonball_kit.lha - Imagine model of Songoku (humanoid male)
mangababesdemo.lha - Demo of Manga Babes shareware (humanoid females)
sf2chunli.lha - Imagine model of Chun Li (humanoid female)
sf2machine.lha - Imagine model of SF2 arcade machine
spaceship.lha - Imagine model of spaceship in this anim
In pix/trace
imgnbabe.jpg - Manga Babes
maishiranui01.jpg - Mai Shiranui from Fatal Fury
sf20001.jpg - Chun Li and Cammy
Contents of pix/anim/asteroids.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 435531 627974 69.4% -lh5- fda7 Sep 20 1994 asteroids.anim7
[generic] 778 1476 52.7% -lh5- 66af Sep 20 1994 asteroids.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 2 files 436309 629450 69.3% Sep 22 1994
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