HAM - local Amiga party of Russia.
We present to you our logo of 7th party. :-)
We have HAM every friday from 8pm till 10am, we very busy on it ;-)
For example, today we drink vodka and eat a lot of pelmeni (kind of ravioly ;-)))
Also we making stupid proggys, drawing dirty pictures, composing sickening melodies
(BreakBeat and Jungle only!), using InterNet, watching HomeVideo (Godzilla, Armageddon, E'96-97),
listening CDs (AphexTwin, FSOL, Dream Injection 4-5, AK, DDT), playing cards and
most popular Amiga games (2 comps linked by NullModem).
From: DenJS
Hey! They torment my cat!!! SOS!
From: Edi
Z-z-z-z-z! I'm try to get some relax minutes!
From: Vaska (nobody)
Today, I'm bring a bottle of gas-water.
From: Mr.Key (Writer. Sorry for my bad English)
I'm just use 95% CPU times on this party.
Wow! DneJS's cat can jump to ceiling and run for shadows!
Bye! (From: DenJS - Boooo-Boo :-) my diaaarr FriiEnDz!)
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warped \/ space
Greeting from Russia :-)