An extensive archive of graphics
by Wade/ex-Eltech, Gods, Darkage, NVX, Faction and Scoopex.
Here it is, the toils of my life as a graphic artist wrapped up in
a single insignificant archive. And so marks the end of an era, my official
retirement from the scene and my liberation from a ten year obsession.
Amid this archive you will find released and unreleased pictures, a few
logos and a couple of Photoshop experiments (in which I take little pride).
Do with them whatever you see fit: spread them, use them in your own
productions or web pages, alter them...I really don't care. There's not a
lot one can do with pixel graphics these days.
Innocence - the slideshow. Wade comments:
This public release of my work follows the recent availability of my
unfinished slideshow, entitled: Innocence.
People have questioned me regarding this slideshow, as to my views on its
incomplete state. Did I authorize its release? Was I even aware of it being
The answer is NO, I had no idea until two months after its said release
date. However, the truth is, I don't have a problem. I send my thanks to
Style for his hard efforts. It is through no fault of his that the production
didn't reach its intended state of completion. Lack of communication and
input (caused by a disabled e-mail address), internal problems and the
absence of inspiration can be held responsible for this. The design, fonts,
logos and introduction credits never made it into Style's hands, neither did
the additional pictures I had hoped to include (which you will find contained
in this archive), and while it may be 95% complete in terms of code I would
estimate it to be only 60% complete in terms of graphics and design.
I should point out that many of the pictures included in this slideshow were
subject to a few palette glitches, causing blatant streaks of contrasting
colour over certain pictures. Therefore those pictures are included in this
archive in their original form.
Nevertheless, it is my opinion that Style did a fantastic job and was
always open to ideas (coders take note). It is unfortunate that his source
code was lost as I would have really enjoyed the opportunity to work with
him further on this slideshow.
Greets and thanks:
Style - I really appreciate your hard work. Those wipes and fades are
excellent, just as I had hoped. The last I heard, the code was lost,
Faction had dispersed and the slideshow was no more. I had no idea you had
started again from scratch. Sorry I didn`t get in touch, but nobody could
tell me how to contact you. Anyway, thanks again bud.
All my former groups - Thanks for the motivation and friendship over the
All pixellers - Huge respect! I hope the scene of today will be kinder to
you than it has been to me. There will always be someone who understands
your endeavours.
On the whole, there are far too many individuals I wish to thank and greet,
so I will summarise with a shout to all who have encouraged my work - both
graphical and gramatical.
Everything you see here would not have been possible without it.
Contact info:
Those wishing to contact me, please send an e-mail to:
Over and out....