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Short:Rachel Raccoon pictures by Leslie Dietz
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Readme for Rachel Raccoon Pictures

These pictures are hand-drawn pictures of a cartoon character
named 'Rachel the Raccoon'.
Author:  Leslie Dietz
Vegreville,  Alberta, Canada.

My trademark is the little dragon logo in the corner of
my pictures (it is a stylized "D" for those who didn't notice.)

I use programs 'DPaint V' to do the drawing, and 'Imagine' and 'Real 3D' and
'Scenery Animator' to draw the clouds and waves (which were touched up
later of course).  'Art Department Pro' is often used for blending backgrounds
and color reduction.  These were drawn on my stock Amiga 2000, but now
I use my  A4000/040, so  more are done up in the new AGA
graphic modes with more colours (128, 256, and HAM8).

The 8-colour and 4-colour conversions of these pictures and the colour
remapping were done by Darren Ewaniuk.

I am a member of the AmiCUE computer club and a participant in the AmiCUE
Multimedia and Animation SIG.  AmiCUE stands for "Amiga Commodore Users
of Edmonton" and is the users group for Amiga owners in Edmonton, Alberta.

If you wish to contact me;

or contact Darren and he will pass the message
on to him.  EMail addresses are: (Internet) (Usenet, if above fails)
Darren Ewaniuk @ Devil BBS 1:342/53 (Fidonet)

Author:  Leslie Dietz
Rachel Raccoon Pictures:

Picture name     # Colors    Description
AmiCUERachel     8,16,256    AmiCUE logo
                 (Black lines from Rachel have been removed making a softer image)
BikingRachel     HAM8, 256, 16  Daring a friend to go down the mountain.
ComputerRac      16,256      Complaining of the slow Commodore liquidation process
FishRachel       8,16,128    Just Fishin'
GreyCupRachel    16          Cheering Canadian Football Champs
KarateRachel     16          Karate class
RachelRaccoon    4,8,16,HAM8 Mountain biking
PoolRachel       8,16,HAM8   Relaxing after a hard day
Rachel3View      16          A front, side and perspective view of Rachel with some
                                background info
RachelFootball   16,256      A little over enthusiasm in a friendly game of touch
RachelMascot     16,256      Accepting her win in AmiCUE's Mascot contest
RachelMonitor    16          Showing a use for an IBM monitor
RachelOnCheck    16,HAM8     Rollerblading
RachelRodeo      16,256      Celebrating the return of the Amiga through ESCOM and
                             for AMIJAM in Calgary
RachelSunny      256         For a T-shirt
RachelValley     16,256      Mountain Hiking    Here
RachelTrail      256         Snowshoeing in the woods with cuuute furry critters.
RaftingRachel    256         Enjoying the sun after a swim in the lake
VolleyballRachel 16          Spiking a pooor volleyball
WalkerRachel     256         Poking fun at the new Amiga Walker :-)
WaterRac         4,8,16      At the lake
XMasRac92        4,8,16      Ski lodge at Xmas
XMasRac93        8,16,256    Trolling for interesting fish.
XmasRachel94     16,256      Santa's Driver
XmasRachel95     16,256      SnowballFight (16 color 704x580, 256 color 1024x768)
XmasRachel96     256         Opening gifts on Christmas day

Other Pictures:
Baseball         256         Two mice playing baseball ( drawn for a mouse pad)
CompuDrake       256         Dragon trying to get his system on line.
WaterKids        256         Clara and Dusty having a water-fight
XmasKids96       256         Sharing the Christmas spirit


These pictures are Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 by
Les Dietz, but are freely distributable.  A condition of distribution
is that the picture must be distributed UNMODIFIED (other than file type)
and must include this readme file.

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