84782 packages online
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drn! .................................... /\t
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|: __|___________|:/_________________________________||_____________\: _
`-----' ________________________________________________________________\
fREAK! of MaD_ViRGiN
HiTS Ya WiTH aNoTHeR ReLeaSe
a PiXeL NaMeD:
' H a P P y H o L i D a Y S '
Hi 2 all U outThere in 'normal' world... here's fREAK
and this is another my pixel done for a one stinky
day in a one stinky country!
This pixel was inspired by a dear friend who told me that
he's going to sent his pixel to AF... so I've decided to
draw one too... after a one stinky night as I said
and one bottle of wodka and after enormous amount of coffee and
other stuff which kept me awake... I've finished this pixel :)
But I decide not to send to AF... and here you are ;))
Feel free to use this stinky pixel wherever you want!
If you want to contact this silly head try on
That's all for now! cu U soon with another r3l3@$3!
Name : fr-hhd.ham8 (Happy Holidays)
Hardware : Amiga 1200 / Blizzard1230/50mhz/16mb / HDD 2.1gb / 15"DTK O:)
SW : PPaint!
contact : freak@eunet.yu
GReeTZ GoeS To :
cP!, drn!, spot, h7... n0pe_dope, CoRRoSioN members,
JUiCe members, iNDUSTRY members, TEG! members,
norge, radavi, dixy, fate, SCuDY, fletch, noah, kuku-lele,
mr_W, nVM members, teorist, Solim, CHETNIK, Zheljko,
and all others peoplez on the scene...!!!
use this link to find fREAK's PiXeL's
sorry 4 my bAd english!!!
LoNG LiVe AMiGA ! ANoTHeR_LiFe_BBS : +381-11-8723-237 22-06h CET
============================= Archive contents =============================
Listing of archive 'fr-hhd.lha':
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
275 133 51.6% 30-Dec-98 13:17:04 FILE_ID.DIZ
38122 27856 26.9% 30-Dec-98 13:17:04 fr-hhd.ham8
2660 1203 54.7% 31-Dec-98 19:24:42 fr-hhd.NFO
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
41057 29192 28.8% 31-Dec-98 19:25:04 3 files
Operation successful.
Contents of pix/art/fr-hhd.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 133 275 48.4% -lh5- 1962 Dec 30 1998 file_id.diz
[generic] 27856 38122 73.1% -lh5- 0392 Dec 30 1998 fr-hhd.ham8
[generic] 1203 2660 45.2% -lh5- de68 Dec 31 1998 fr-hhd.NFO
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 3 files 29192 41057 71.1% Jan 2 1999
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