U can't kill the scene... neither the spirit
among us... fuck the bombs ! support the scene!
drn! .................................... /\t
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|.. | ||_ (. freak's the name ยท) |: _|
|: __|___________|:/_________________________________||_____________\: _
`-----' ________________________________________________________________\
fREAK! of MaD_ViRGiN
a PiXeL NaMeD:
' O T P O R '
Hi, this is my first bombshelter release, as you
already now my country is under aggression of
NATO nazis... sometimes we don't have
electricity & water :(((... but still there's
enough wodka 4 me and my shity drawings...
this one i've done long time ago but i couldn't
find time and electricity to send it.. so here
it is.. a logo LOGO used not long ago in my
country for some demonstration...
THIS IS NO SCAN! i just watched at logo from
newspaper and draw one in paint program
on my bellowed computer AMiGA ;))))
If you want to contact this silly head try on
That's all for now! cu U soon with another r3l3@$3!
-------- .NFO -------------------------------------------------------
Name : fr-otpor.iff (OTPOR logo)
Resolution : 320x200 iff 256cols
Hardware : Amiga 1200 / Blizzard1230/50mhz/16mb / HDD 2.1gb / 15"DTK O:)
HELP from : vodka, rap...
SW : PPaint!
contact : freak@eunet.yu
-------- .NFO -------------------------------------------------------
GReeTZ GoeS To :
cP!, drn!, spot, h7... n0pe_dope, CoRRoSioN members,
JUiCe members, iNDUSTRY members, TEG! members, MindEscape...
norge, radavi, dixy, fate, SCuDY, fletch, noah, kuku-lele,
mr_W, nVM members, teorist, Solim, CHETNIK, Zheljko,
and all others peopleZ on the scene...!!!
use this link to find fREAK's PiXeL's
instead of this old one... (old is no longer updated
so don't use it !!!)
U can't kill the scene... neither the spirit
among us... fuck the bombs ! support the scene!
please visit this web if you want to check
the another side of the conflict...
sorry 4 my bAd english!!!
LoNG LiVe AMiGA ! ANoTHeR_LiFe_BBS : +381-11-8723-237 22-06h CET
www.alife.org.yu <- lots of links... (DayDream dev page link)
http://tesla.rcub.bg.ac.yu/~suja/index.html (my page)
http://members.xoom.com/madvirgin/ (my group page)