The s: dir just shows a piece of a s-s which I use to get random backdrops (it's pretty self
explainatory :)
prefs:wbpattern prefs:presets/wbpattern`c:rand 1 12`.pre use
The c: dir contains a randomizer written by Troy Morehouse, which is required by the s-s script. Rand
will take a first and a second number and randomize your images between the two intervals. The way I
work the process is to use the WBPattern prefs and save a preset for each picture I want to
randomize (in my case: wbpatternX.pre), and then simply call that prefix with wbpattern in the s-s
with the randomized portion in "tilde quotes," as shown above (if in doubt, just cut and paste the
piece of this s-s into yours and copy the presets I've included into your prefs:presets drawer).
And the patterns dir which I keep in the prefs: drawer contains about 16 pics (of which I personally
only use the first 12).
I DID draw all of these however, very few are from my own imagination...Amy the Squirrel and some
other Cat Lady (by Eric Schwartz), Cool World's Holly Wood (?), and some other pix which I've gotten
from somewhere and then fixed them up and made them Magic Workbench "compatable."
If you want to make your own, here's how I do it...first I find a pic I like (go figure), scan or
digitize it (if it isn't already an image), then run it through ADPro with the 8 color magic workbench
palette locked...TWICE! (once with Floyd dithering on, and then a second with it off. The reason: some
parts of the pick will look good dithered, and others won't, so I pick pieces out of each to make the
final image). Next spend anywhere from a couple of days to a week or more fixing the image up (hand
antialiasing, dithering...). One tip: sometimes it's easiest to just trace the outline of the pic out
in DPaint (which I use to draw the images, with a little pre-ADPro help from OpalPaint), and then
fill in the detail from scratch (it depends on the complexity of the image).
Finally the crap about keeping the archive in tact...blah, blah, blah:
Distribute this archive how you like: in pieces if you like, or a collection of corrupted images
without this text...whatever.
Money: don't want any...enjoy them (God knows you won't get anything else in life for FREE!) If you
like these just say HI! (or give me some of your cool pix).
Copyright? okay would you believe these are copywritten?...!? :)
Trevor M.
P.S. Thanx for magic workbench Martin Huttenloher