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Short: | Bootpic for 68060 CPU + AGA chipset !!! |
Author: | pozoh nsi.es (Sergio Pozo Hidalgo) |
Uploader: | pozoh nsi es (Sergio Pozo Hidalgo) |
Type: | pix/boot |
Architecture: | generic |
Date: | 1997-03-10 |
Replaces: | pix/boot/060bp_1.lha |
Download: | pix/boot/060bp_1.lha - View contents | Readme: | pix/boot/060bp_1.readme |
Downloads: | 7504 |
Do you own a Motorola 68060 processor and AGA chipset? Yes? This is
your bootpic!!! It says 68060 processor, Paula soud chip, AGA graphics
chips, 18Mb of RAM and OS 3.1.
This bootpic is in 720x564x256 with floyd-steinberg dithering. If you
want a true color one (24Bit), email me. I'll send you a any resolution PNG
24 bit image (about 600KB).
I did this with Lightwave 3.5, and ImageFX 2.1 for putting name and
email. My computer is A1200, Blizzard 1260, 8Mb fast when I did it (now
16Mb), 1'5Gb harddrive, 6X CD-ROM, M1538s AT monitor and 28.8K Supra modem.
If you have any question or if you like the pic, write me. Or if you
want to talk with me, try #amiga, #amigacafe or #iberamiga (all at Undernet)
at weekends and ask for BLiTTeR.
Contents of pix/boot/060bp_1.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 308154 407008 75.7% -lh5- cef2 Mar 7 1997 060bp_1.iff
[generic] 602 978 61.6% -lh5- e4d0 Mar 7 1997 060bp_1.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 2 files 308756 407986 75.7% Mar 9 1997
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