84782 packages online
pix/boot/AS_Boris_01.lha |
No screenshot available
Five Amiga_Start pictures with Boris Vallejo graphics to use with AmigaStart
This is Set-01 of eight
Read the Docs for an example how to use these pictures !!!
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
0 0 0.0% 29-Dec-96 11:54:48 +- Done By Marauder -
12264 4929 59.8% 29-Dec-96 11:54:48 +docs/AmigaStart.Guide
1462 984 32.6% 29-Dec-96 11:54:48 +docs/AmigaStart.Guide.info
4334 1520 64.9% 29-Dec-96 11:54:48 +docs/AS_Boris.Doc
1527 940 38.4% 29-Dec-96 11:54:48 +docs/AS_Boris.Doc.info
3420 1659 51.4% 29-Dec-96 11:54:48 +fonts/futurab/12
4796 2496 47.9% 29-Dec-96 11:54:48 +fonts/futurab/16
5316 2613 50.8% 29-Dec-96 11:54:48 +fonts/futurab/17
7192 3148 56.2% 29-Dec-96 11:54:48 +fonts/futurab/21
8892 3575 59.7% 29-Dec-96 11:54:48 +fonts/futurab/32
3820 2360 38.2% 29-Dec-96 11:54:48 +wbstartup/AmigaStart
2609 1896 27.3% 29-Dec-96 11:54:48 +wbstartup/AmigaStart.info
4092 1597 60.9% 29-Dec-96 11:55:04 AS_Boris_01.info
3108 3086 0.7% 29-Dec-96 11:54:46 +c/AmigaStart
6060 3326 45.1% 29-Dec-96 11:54:46 +c/RandomX
3923 1517 61.3% 29-Dec-96 11:54:46 +Docs.info
383 168 56.1% 29-Dec-96 11:54:46 +File_ID.Diz
1564 71 95.4% 29-Dec-96 11:54:48 +fonts/FuturaB.font
6540 3108 52.4% 29-Dec-96 11:54:48 +fonts/futurab/20
9564 5788 39.4% 29-Dec-96 11:54:48 +libs/SystemPlus.library
160948 130765 18.7% 29-Dec-96 11:54:48 +s/plus/AmigaStart.Logo-1001
158036 132393 16.2% 29-Dec-96 11:54:48 +s/plus/AmigaStart.Logo-1002
158020 115897 26.6% 29-Dec-96 11:54:48 +s/plus/AmigaStart.Logo-1003
161334 127368 21.0% 29-Dec-96 11:54:46 +s/plus/AmigaStart.Logo-1004
177164 153285 13.4% 29-Dec-96 11:54:46 +s/plus/AmigaStart.Logo-1005
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
906368 704489 22.2% 29-Dec-96 11:56:20 25 files
Contents of pix/boot/AS_Boris_01.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 0 0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Dec 29 1996 as_boris_01/- two dices inc. -/- Done By Marauder -
[generic] 4929 12264 40.2% -lh5- aa67 Dec 29 1996 as_boris_01/docs/AmigaStart.Guide
[generic] 984 1462 67.3% -lh5- 6fb9 Dec 29 1996 as_boris_01/docs/AmigaStart.Guide.info
[generic] 1520 4334 35.1% -lh5- 88aa Dec 29 1996 as_boris_01/docs/AS_Boris.Doc
[generic] 940 1527 61.6% -lh5- 2959 Dec 29 1996 as_boris_01/docs/AS_Boris.Doc.info
[generic] 1659 3420 48.5% -lh5- d001 Dec 29 1996 as_boris_01/fonts/futurab/12
[generic] 2496 4796 52.0% -lh5- 8820 Dec 29 1996 as_boris_01/fonts/futurab/16
[generic] 2613 5316 49.2% -lh5- e3c4 Dec 29 1996 as_boris_01/fonts/futurab/17
[generic] 3148 7192 43.8% -lh5- 4b4c Dec 29 1996 as_boris_01/fonts/futurab/21
[generic] 3575 8892 40.2% -lh5- 2d2c Dec 29 1996 as_boris_01/fonts/futurab/32
[generic] 2360 3820 61.8% -lh5- a7d6 Dec 29 1996 as_boris_01/wbstartup/AmigaStart
[generic] 1896 2609 72.7% -lh5- 46f9 Dec 29 1996 as_boris_01/wbstartup/AmigaStart.info
[generic] 1597 4092 39.0% -lh5- 5976 Dec 29 1996 AS_Boris_01.info
[generic] 3086 3108 99.3% -lh5- 42a5 Dec 29 1996 as_boris_01/c/AmigaStart
[generic] 3326 6060 54.9% -lh5- a037 Dec 29 1996 as_boris_01/c/RandomX
[generic] 1517 3923 38.7% -lh5- 48d4 Dec 29 1996 as_boris_01/Docs.info
[generic] 168 383 43.9% -lh5- fc51 Dec 29 1996 as_boris_01/File_ID.Diz
[generic] 71 1564 4.5% -lh5- 50c0 Dec 29 1996 as_boris_01/fonts/FuturaB.font
[generic] 3108 6540 47.5% -lh5- 9185 Dec 29 1996 as_boris_01/fonts/futurab/20
[generic] 5788 9564 60.5% -lh5- e2dd Dec 29 1996 as_boris_01/libs/SystemPlus.library
[generic] 130765 160948 81.2% -lh5- c6d7 Dec 29 1996 as_boris_01/s/plus/AmigaStart.Logo-1001
[generic] 132393 158036 83.8% -lh5- f74f Dec 29 1996 as_boris_01/s/plus/AmigaStart.Logo-1002
[generic] 115897 158020 73.3% -lh5- fe52 Dec 29 1996 as_boris_01/s/plus/AmigaStart.Logo-1003
[generic] 127368 161334 78.9% -lh5- 68a0 Dec 29 1996 as_boris_01/s/plus/AmigaStart.Logo-1004
[generic] 153285 177164 86.5% -lh5- d80e Dec 29 1996 as_boris_01/s/plus/AmigaStart.Logo-1005
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 25 files 704489 906368 77.7% Mar 20 1997
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