(Note- This files differs slightly from the one contained in the archive, it
may be a good idea to download this file too.)
* SpecCy HeLL .... By Perr C * \
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Version 1.01 SPECIAL EDITION - Feb 1997
Remember those good old Speccy thingies? The ones with 48K? (Wow!! Big
memory capacity, guys!) Well this brings those wonderful little machines
back to life (almost) with a collection of 190+ little Spectrum
brushes, + The PROPER Spectrum Font.
For the brushes:
Load your favourite paint package, and load these into that using the
LOAD BRUSH command. If you want to have the Spectrum pallette, just load
one of these brushes as a picture and the pallette will be automatically
transformed. The brushes don't have icons.
For the font:
Copy this into your 'Fonts:' drawer. It should be easy enough to do.
As I never really use the CLI or shell to copy fonts, you'll have to work
this one out for yourself, I'm afraid!!
Credits & Greetz
Brushes cut by:
Perr C
Font designed by:
Perr C
Cheers go to the followin' peepz...
Indiana - for lending me his sampler to transfer my games to floppy
Micky - for umm....
The riddler - for selling me his CB
Keith's mate - for letting me copy his emulator
All at Aminet - for being great guys and providing me with lots of essential
software free of charge - keep up the good work!
Before we start, sorry for forgetting your name, as I am away from my modem
for a while, but I must thank you personally for spotting the bug in
specfont.lha and telling me. The archive has been deleted, and the proper
version is on this disk! Cheers!
...and anyone I couldn't be bothered to mention
Right. That's it. There is no more. Curtains. The end. Look forward to
seeing you in 'Speccy Hell II - The revenge of Clive Sinclair" and now I'm
off to bed. Goodnight.
Perr C (AKA Arctic Fox, TSBF, etc.)
10/02/1997 03:20 AM
And the moral of the story is.....
Don't put one of these lines in if you can't think of a witty answer.
Warranty? You're joking aren't you? Don't even think of contacting me if your
computer blows up. You use these files at your own risk!
As I adore getting e-mail, this disk is EMAILWARE. Send me an EMail, and I'll
write you down as an OFFICIAL user. OF course, copy this disk to all your
friends and relatives, as long as they contact me. Magazines, CDROMS,
Fanzines etc. MUST CONTACT ME for permission to use this software, and they
MUST send me a free copy of their CDROM, Fanzine, Magazine. (Except Aminet,
they can put it on CDROMS etc. without having to contact me.
If you are planning to use them on a web page, or any other Internet based
media, I'd appreciate a mention with a link to my home page. That is all I