Model of Corbusier-House (1924) in MaxonCAD2, DXF and HPGL-format
This archive includes my first 2D-CAD-work, done for an exam
in "building construction" at the Fachhochschule Rheinland-Pfalz,
Department Trier.
Everything was created with the great & fast 2D-CAD-Program
MaxonCad2.5 on an Amiga2000 with 68030/FPU-processor-board
and 7MB-Ram (more then enough!). To create a similiar house
on a PC you need lots of more RAM and VirtualMemory...
Amiga rulez!
I had to spend a lot of time in order to create
all the views, repairing computer&plotter-hardware, cleaning pens,
doing corrections, finding out what to do (I'm not a student of
archictecture!), negotiating new deadlines ... So enjoy this work!
It should be a good inspiration to take a closer look at it if you
have to do something similiar with MaxonCad.
The main reason for uploading this file to the aminet was that i
wasn't able to find something similiar. I just found some
Corbussier-models on the Web, but not the right one :-(
Version 1.0 First release
1.1 - Added Postscript-Files to give Amiga-Users without Plotter
at home a chance to preview the model even without a CAD-
program and to use the model as clipart for DTP etc.
- Changed LEGAL-notice
- Added one more BUG, detected by an AUTO-CAD-User
The archive corbusie.lha includes the following files:
Corbusie.mc2 Model in MaxonCAD2-Format ( M 1:50)
corbusie.readme You are reading this file!
corbusie.hpg Plotting-file in HPGL, DIN A1 (M 1:50)
corbusie.dxf Model in DXF-format (NEW!) Ready-To-Print-File in Postscript(DIN-A4)
Note: M 1:120 (it just fits on A4!)
corbusie.eps (NEW!) EPS-File to use the model for example in
illustrations with DTP-programs
Feel free to spread this archive (only the complete one!) all
over the world as long as you don't use it for commercial
purposes. I explicitly don't allow to use my work for commercial
purposes without my personal permission!
Remember: The structure of the house-model is quite unique and it's
easy for me to recognize my quite unique way of using layers :-)
Plot the HPGL-File only on DIN-A1-capable Plotters with the
following Pen-sizes: Pen0: 0.25mm
Pen1: 0.35mm
Pen2: 0.50mm
Pen3: 0.70mm
I suggest to use High-Quality-pens and special paper to achieve the
best possible quality. GOOD LUCK!
Nobodys perfect. Feel free to report bugs to me! It would be a great
help for future projects and increase my will to upload more nice
- The width of the staircase is OK to walk on, but i have to add 24cm's
to fulfill my task ("95cm lichtes Mass") perfectly in future releases
- Due to time and program-limitations (hopefully Maxon continues
the development on MaxonCad2.5) i had problems in rescaling fonts...
- MaxonCAD2.5 does not support different line-widths in the DXF-format
- Cornelia Hellstern and Daniela Valentini (students of Architecture)
for their great help in doing corrections, annotations, explaining
technical details and the moral support while i was shocked by the
expensive hardware failures of my computer.
- Willi Thein for helping me to solve plotter-problems
- Andreas Schroeder for the 2nd deadline which was necessary because
my Amiga was nearly dead (2MBRam, HD-Controller and the floppy-disk-
drive failed and required to replaced by expensive new stuff to
continue working ...)
- BRONCO (irc-nickname) for his inspiration in doing "the perfect plot"
- everybody in #amigager (IRC) who tried to help me in fixing my
hd-controller-hardware-problems by software solutions (maxtransfer...)
| |
| Juergen Schmitz |
| Student of applied computerscience/design |
| at the Fachhochschule Rheinland-Pfalz/Trier |
| E-Mail: |
| Phone : +49-6588-2168 |
| Fax : +49-6588-2168 |
| IRC : Zwieback (#amigager & #amiga) |
| Soon available: My personal homepage on the W3 |