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Short:Even more icons in GlowIcons\' style
Author: O.Tacke at (Oliver Tacke)
Uploader:O Tacke tu-bs de (Oliver Tacke)
Requires:util/wb/newicons41.lha (NewIcons)
Download:pix/gicon/ohnomoreglow.lha - View contents

Again I am presenting some new icons in the style of Matt Chaput's great GlowIcons. 
Well, this time most icons are based on the work of other Amiga users such as 
Patrick Heinrich (Simpsons) and Roman Patzner (the stamp) - unfortunately I don't 
remember all the names, sorry. I only "converted" their stuff to the GlowIcons' 

Well, for the time being I ran out of new ideas and enough stuff for new GlowIcons. 
What about designing some on your own? Simply get Personal Paint 6.4 and the 
Icon IO module from the Aminet (biz/cloan).
My icons (and the first GlowIcons set from Matt Chaput) have a size of 44 x 44 
pixels including the glowing border. I used the filter "darken -25%" to darken the 
"selected icon" and added the borders (white, yellow and orange) by pressing "o".
Just try. It's not too diffcult at all.

greetings to:
· Matt Chaput (designer of the original GlowIcons set)
· Martin Schueler (responsible for development, buying and logistics at Escena)
· Martin Baute (newsmaster of

Wieder präsentiere ich einige neue Icons im Stil von Matt Chaputs großartigen 
GlowIcons. Nun, dieses mal basieren die meisten Icons auf der Arbeit anderer Amiga 
User wie z.B. Patrick Heinrich (Simpsons) und Roman Patzner (die Briefmarke) - 
unglücklicherweise erinnere ich mich nicht an alle Namen, tschuldigung. I habe ihren 
Kram nur ins GlowIcons Format "konvertiert".

Tja, fürs erste sind mir die Ideen und genug Stoff für neue GlowIcons ausgegangen. 
Wie wäre es denn, mal eigene zu designen? Holt Euch einfach Personal Paint 6.4 und 
das Icon IO Modul aus dem Aminet (biz/cloan).
Meine Icons (und das erste GlowIcons Set von Matt Chaput) haben eine Größe von 
44 x 44 Pixel inklusive der glühenden Randes. Ich habe den Filter "darken -25%" 
benutzt, um die angewählten Icons (selected icon) zu verdunkeln und ich habe die 
Ränder (weiß, gelb und orange) durch drücken von "o" hinzugefügt.
Versucht es einfach. Es ist gar nicht so schwer.

Grüße an:
· Matt Chaput (Designer des ursprünglichen GlowIcons Sets)
· Martin Schüler (verantwortlich für Entwicklung, Einkauf und Logistik bei Escena)
· Martin Baute (Newsmaster von

_/                                                          _/
_/     Oliver Tacke, Schillerstr. 4, 38304 Wolfenbüttel     _/
_/                         Germany                          _/
_/                                                          _/
_/   Tel.: +49 (0)170 2053382     email:   _/
_/             (email:             _/
_/                                                          _/
_/       Website:       _/
_/                                                          _/

Contents of pix/gicon/ohnomoreglow.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 1484    2301  64.5% -lh5- 073b Mar 26  1999
[generic]                 1475    2301  64.1% -lh5- f7af Mar  8  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/
[generic]                 1209    1848  65.4% -lh5- cef9 Mar  3  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Applications/
[generic]                  992    1640  60.5% -lh5- 56bb Mar  3  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Applications/
[generic]                 1478    2301  64.2% -lh5- 1166 Mar  8  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/
[generic]                 1588    2430  65.3% -lh5- 1dd7 Mar  3  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Drawers/
[generic]                 1554    2388  65.1% -lh5- e04a Mar  3  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Drawers/
[generic]                 1719    2772  62.0% -lh5- 148d Mar  3  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Drawers/
[generic]                 1743    2830  61.6% -lh5- 2b38 Mar  3  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Drawers/
[generic]                 1454    2373  61.3% -lh5- f245 Mar  3  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Drawers/Pirates!.info
[generic]                 1517    2384  63.6% -lh5- 5f7c Mar  3  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Drawers/
[generic]                 1756    2848  61.7% -lh5- 18a5 Mar  3  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Drawers/
[generic]                 1599    2437  65.6% -lh5- 495e Mar  3  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Drawers/
[generic]                 1584    2399  66.0% -lh5- 0c55 Mar  3  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Drawers/
[generic]                 1472    2401  61.3% -lh5- aa02 Mar  3  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Drawers/
[generic]                 1484    2301  64.5% -lh5- 705f Mar  8  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/
[generic]                 1204    1666  72.3% -lh5- 63bc Mar  3  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Games/
[generic]                  932    1316  70.8% -lh5- 52dc Mar  3  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Games/
[generic]                 1134    1661  68.3% -lh5- d424 Mar  3  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Games/
[generic]                 1001    1606  62.3% -lh5- e36b Mar  3  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Games/
[generic]                 1484    2301  64.5% -lh5- 485c Mar  8  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/
[generic]                 1101    1487  74.0% -lh5- d36a Mar  8  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Misc/
[generic]                 1805    2746  65.7% -lh5- f430 Mar 19  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Misc/
[generic]                 1124    1974  56.9% -lh5- 9a11 Mar  8  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Misc/
[generic]                  883    1208  73.1% -lh5- 7802 Mar  8  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Misc/
[generic]                 1042    1707  61.0% -lh5- 9073 Mar 26  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Misc/
[generic]                  768    1204  63.8% -lh5- 0476 Mar  8  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Misc/
[generic]                 1194    2002  59.6% -lh5- 6c91 Mar 26  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Misc/
[generic]                 1149    1628  70.6% -lh5- 9d95 Mar  8  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Misc/
[generic]                 1190    1874  63.5% -lh5- ee98 Mar 26  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Misc/
[generic]                 1398    1988  70.3% -lh5- 1d6a Mar  8  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Misc/
[generic]                 1134    1903  59.6% -lh5- 9363 Mar  8  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Misc/
[generic]                 1021    1494  68.3% -lh5- 3a78 Mar  8  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Misc/
[generic]                 1472    2102  70.0% -lh5- fc2f Mar  8  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Misc/
[generic]                  848    1127  75.2% -lh5- 339c Mar  8  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Misc/
[generic]                 1493    2716  55.0% -lh5- 0c8b Mar  8  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Misc/
[generic]                 1432    3170  45.2% -lh5- bdf9 Mar 26  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/readme.ascii
[generic]                 1797    2818  63.8% -lh5- e532 Mar  8  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/
[generic]                 1485    2301  64.5% -lh5- bf9d Mar  8  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/
[generic]                  865    1452  59.6% -lh5- a285 Mar 26  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Simpsons/
[generic]                  928    1572  59.0% -lh5- fc1c Mar 26  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Simpsons/
[generic]                 1045    1486  70.3% -lh5- 96cc Mar 26  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Simpsons/
[generic]                 1028    1543  66.6% -lh5- adcc Mar 26  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Simpsons/
[generic]                  836    1121  74.6% -lh5- 9b10 Mar 26  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Simpsons/
[generic]                 1041    1541  67.6% -lh5- 5bb9 Mar 26  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Simpsons/
[generic]                 1058    1648  64.2% -lh5- ce3e Mar 26  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Simpsons/
[generic]                 1161    1919  60.5% -lh5- c89c Mar 26  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Simpsons/
[generic]                  863    1360  63.5% -lh5- ff02 Mar 26  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Simpsons/
[generic]                  885    1519  58.3% -lh5- 44e6 Mar 26  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Simpsons/
[generic]                 1094    1790  61.1% -lh5- 51d5 Mar 26  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Simpsons/
[generic]                 1249    1911  65.4% -lh5- 7292 Mar 26  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Simpsons/
[generic]                  984    1542  63.8% -lh5- b014 Mar 26  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Simpsons/
[generic]                  849    1280  66.3% -lh5- 1e5f Mar 26  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Simpsons/
[generic]                  877    1548  56.7% -lh5- 662c Mar 26  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Simpsons/
[generic]                  874    1341  65.2% -lh5- 2b7d Mar 26  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Simpsons/
[generic]                 1021    1821  56.1% -lh5- 0754 Mar 26  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Simpsons/
[generic]                  885    1471  60.2% -lh5- 61d4 Mar 26  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Simpsons/
[generic]                 1065    1722  61.8% -lh5- 4502 Mar 26  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Simpsons/
[generic]                  931    1491  62.4% -lh5- 6968 Mar 26  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Simpsons/
[generic]                 1020    1726  59.1% -lh5- fc63 Mar 26  1999 OhNoMoreGlow/Simpsons/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        60 files   72758  114757  63.4%            Apr  9  1999
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