General Information
[*]What are Iconographics Icons?
Iconographics Icons were developed by Tom Ekström as a set of icons
with only 8 colors which nearly anyone could use. The first four
colors were the same as the four standard Workbench colors, so even
a new Amiga user could see them.
I like the Iconographics Icons for several reasons:
o They're free.
o They're colorful and meaningful.
o They don't require a lot of system overhead.
o They don't require too many colors (important for those of
us still using pre-AGA hardware).
o I'm not an artist -- no doubt you can tell that from the
icons included -- but I can still make my own
Iconographics Icons.
Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, Tom Ekström is no longer
updating Iconographics Icons. I've made several of my own, which is
what you will find in this set.
Please note: Some of the icons (especially dock icons) are very
similar, though not identical, to icons drawn by other people. In
some cases, the only difference may be that I drew a raised box
around the icon in order to make a dock icon out of it. I HAVE
In my experience, that is actually the case with most icons sets,
but I thought it best to mention that beforehand and thereby avoid
[*]What will I need for the set?
An Amiga. :-)
You need to set up your Workbench (or Workbench replacement) with a
minimum 8-color screen. The Iconographics Palette is included; you
should double-click on that to get the correct colors. If you want
to make your own Iconographics Icons, you will need to download the
Iconographics archive from Aminet (which is probably where you
obtained this archive). Except for that, you need nothing.
[*]Why are your DockIcons not according to the standard Iconographics
There are two reasons:
o For a long time I could only use Commodore's IconEdit, and
the standard Iconographics DockIcons wouldn't fit in there.
o I wanted to make DockIcons out of the application icons,
and the size that I have is very conventient for that.
[*]How can I contact you to tell you what I think?
Unless something disastrous occurs, I will be available via email for the next
few years as:
You can find my vanity web page at:
Someday I hope to make something more productive out of that Web Page, but for now
it's just sitting there evangelizing for Christ and for the Amiga and for Mutts.
[*]Why don't you try a different Icon set?
I've tried Magic Workbench and NewIcons, but both of them left me unsatisfied.
I admit that Magic Workbench is quite beautiful, but besides the annoying
shareware fee (come one guys, they're ICONS!!!), they're inaccessible to geeks
like me who want to make our own Icons. Also -- icons not created in the Magic
Workbench style tend to look very bad because of the peculiar requirements of
Magic Workbench. NewIcons was great when I first tried it, and it certainly
solved a lot of the color problems of Magic Workbench (at the same time making
some very amusing, deprecatory remarks about Magic's artistic style). However,
besides the fact that I didn't really like the artistic style of NewIcons, the
system overhead was simply unacceptable on my machine. And again, I'm not good
enough an artist to make those oddly angled objects.
In short, Iconographics worked best for me; it was an icon set for the simple
Amigan. Unfortunately, most developers seem to ignore it, with Massimo
Tantiglione (VisualPrefs) being a notable exception. That's okay, really;
they keep me busy making new icons. :-)