Here are some scanned images from photos I took at AmiWest98
in Sacramento, CA, July 10-12, 1998.
I scanned the photo prints (Epson ES300c) and brightened, cropped,
sharpened, titled, and added a dropshadow to them using ADPro and
ImageFX. I'll have more, eventually, when I can find my other
roll of film :-/
All images are Copyright 1988, Harv Laser. You may use them
for your own private viewing, for non-commercial purposes only.
You are NOT given license to publish any of these images in any
commercial online or print magazine, without prior written
permission from ME. If you really wanna do that, email and ask.
I'm uploading pictures of well-known personalities, although
I took many others, particularly of AmigaZone folks, but those
would mean little to non-members so they're not included in
this archive.
That's why the filenames are not exactly sequential.
aw98-a.jpg - AmigaZone booth with yours truly. Please view
only on an empty stomach :)
aw98-d.jpg - Entryway to the exhibits room, which was a single
"ballroom" holding about 15 partitioned/curtained booths.
aw98-e.jpg - The "banquet", AInc's Bill McEwan speaking. Although
it was hard to hear him since the PA system wasn't working right :(
aw98-f.jpg - Amiga Informer's Fletcher Haug selling his mags. I think
that's his wife, on the left, back to camera.
aw98-g.jpg - Gateway (St. Louis) Booth, Mrs. Bob Scharp publicizing
their next St. Louis Gateway show, and selling Amiga logo coffee
mugs, Amiga theme music CDs, and other stuph.
aw98-h.jpg - Amazing's Don Hicks running around snapping his own
pictures for inclusion in an upcoming issue.
aw98-i.jpg - Bill "Pyromania" Panagoleous (left). Mark "Play
(former Newtek) Randall (right).
aw98-j.jpg - Denny (former Compute) Atkin (left), Gary "Team
Amiga" Peake (right).
aw98-k.jpg - Kermit "Nova Design" Woodall showing off his new
digital camera
aw98-l.jpg - Another banquet shot showing more of the crowd (there
were about 120 people in the room, and it was HOT in there!) and
the head table people including John, Alan and Cindy (show organizers),
Carl and Mrs. Sassenrath, Bill McEwan of Amiga Inc., and Derreck
Lisle might have been up there too.
Unfortunately, my cheap 35mm camera's flash doesn't have enough oomph
to light up a room that big.