Leo Leo "ewhac" Schwab : Juggler, 3DO programmer and ex-Amigan
AHD Andrew "Guardian" Denton : 3D Artist, Pro Juggler, Party Host
Dan Dan "Mr. C.S.Announce" Zerkle : Moderator of Comp.Sys.Amiga.Announce
Chris Chris "Jor" Weber : Author of iff.library and WBverlauf
Sam Sam Dicker : original A1000 audio.device and Boing! demo
Urban Urban "Zop" Mueller : Aminet Moderator, juggler, author of XPK/CSH
Julie Julie "LadyHawke" Peterson : Graphics Artist
Ken Ken "Mr. Miraculous" Martin : Juggler and Magician
Bill William "Cryo" Coldwell : Warped person who can't juggle
Ken D. Ken "Nyx" Dyke : Recovering Commodore Engineer
Chris S. Christian "cschneid" Schneider : GigaMem and XPK author
Steve Steve "spworley" Worley : Essence and Forge author
Markus Markus "MTK" Wild : gcc and NetBSD god
Not pictured:
Allen "Mr. Lightwave" Hastings : VideoScape and Lightwave author
Bob "Mr. Newton" Nebrig : Various Newton tidbits
Juggler quota: 80%
Date: Apr 24th and still going :)