This was commissioned by the Art Editor of Amiga Shopper for their
December 1995 cover. The project quickly evolved into painting the sepia
gradient which appeared within the Amiga Shopper logo at the top of the
cover and a host of smaller illustrations for breaking up the main DTP
feature within the magazine. These include Feather.jpg, Hand.jpg,
HisHead.jpg, Ink.gif, Keyboard.gif, Keys2.jpg, Mouse.jpg, Mouse2.jpg,
Rose.jpg, Scroll1.jpg and Scroll2.jpg.
A couple of months later I was again commissioned by Amiga Shopper, this
time illustrating an article on piracy in the same sepia style. The
graphics include Chest.jpg, Coins.jpg, Crossed.jpg, Dagger.jpg, Disks.jpg,
Flag.gif, Galleon.gif, Gun.jpg, LegBone.jpg, Motif.jpg, Scroll.gif,
Skull.jpg, Sword.jpg, ThinBone.jpg, TinyHead.jpg, and TwoBone.jpg.
All the work was painted on paper and scanned using my Epson flatbed,
before being touched up in Brilliance 2.