Following on from BadJokePics.lha and the originally
titled MoreBadJokePics.lha... BadJokePics3.lha
Once again, I have thought of a truly original name.....
This is a collection of (single-frame) cartoon pictures that I've
drawn using Personal Paint (and occasionally DPaint). There are 10
pictures here, of varying size, and varying degrees of humour. I
hope you find at least some of them amusing :) Most of them are
pun-type jokes. They are all in the Amiga IFF format. The number of
colours is usually 16 or 32.
The Pictures are as follows:
Carpet.pic - hmmm.... well, I thought it was funny....
Forklift.pic - The most obvious pun in the world.
Jumpers.pic - hehe! This one tickled me :-)
Laugh.pic - An older one of mine. Just check this
guy's tie.
Miner.pic - Another weird pun :-)
Mirror2.pic - The follow up to Mirror.pic....
Rainbow.pic - One of the more colourful pictures in
this collection.
Salt.pic - Oh no... another bad pun.
TimeFlies.pic - <groan> Another one!
ToeTruck.pic - Arrrrggghh..... The worst pun of the lot!
Well, they're good for a laugh (or a groan! :) Please e-mail me if
you like them!
If you like them, you can also download the other two sets from Aminet,
or from my homepage, where I have a handful of my pictures on display,
often including puctures not yet distributed to Aminet.
Also on my homepage are some Amiga programs to download:
SpaceJest is a text adventure game with a bit of fun.
The Insult Construction Kit is a Shell program a bit like
those fortune cookie programs, but with a bit more bite.
They're also available on Aminet, but check my homepage for the latest
updates, and for progress on the other programs I'm writing.
Thank you for taking a look.
"Light bulbs are just a filiament of your imagination."