Okay, this is a MPEG demo which was played at the Genoa booth during
this past November, 1992 Comdex show in Las Vegas.
Here is how to uncompact..
o First, get all the files. This is a very big and impressive demo.
To get the full effect, you'll need to buy the MPEG 2.0 player for
Windows 3.x on MSDOS machines, but you can use any PD MPEG player
and still be able to appreciate the beauty of this demo. anon ftp to
ftp.rahul.net and cd to /pub/bryanw/unix for a unix mpeg player
or /pub/bryanw/pc for a pc mpeg player. You may also retrieve
an "unarjer" for the respective machines in the respective
directories above.
You need to retrieve these files:
mpggenoa.arj mpggenoa.a01 mpggenoa.a02 mpggenoa.a03 mpggenoa.a04
o Once you've gotten all the files, you next need to decompress them.
For ease of decompression, place all the mpeg archives in one
directory for easy unarchival. Then, enter the following at
the command line:
for msdos >> arj x mpggenoa.arj
The [un]arj program will proceed to uncompress everything.
You may be asked if you wish to append files as they are
uncompressed. Answer YES. (hit y and hit return if necessary).
First a .WAV file should be decompressed, and then the very large
(about 8-9 megabyte big) MPEG animation. As the archives are
uncompressed in order, the data will be appended to what was
previously decompressed. In the end, you'll have two very big
files in your directory: a .WAV file of maybe 1.5 megs and a
.MPG animation about 8-9 megs in length.
Under unix, it is not known if unarj automatically appends the data to
the MPEG as it is decompressed. Observe the experience a user had:
I found (on unix) that you must then (after unarj x mpggenoa.arj)
move MPGGENOA.MPG to destination file (eg, genoa.mpg), then "unarj x"
each of the mpggenoa.a0[1234] and append each of the resulting
MPGGENOA.MPG files to the end of the destination file (eg, genoa.mpg),
and remove them before continuing to the next archive.
o View the MPG with your MPEG viewing software. Refer to your
program's instructions.
o If you'd like to be able to view the DEMO with better output quality,
along with a fully digitized accompanying soundtrack, you must buy
the commercial MPEG player. For now it is only available for MSDOS
MicroSoft Windows 3.x. Here is the relevant information for interested
Xing Technology Corporation
PO Box 950 Voice: 805-473-0145
456 Carpenter Canyon FAX: 805-473-0147
Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
Xing products include:
In Germany, contact:
Ingenieurbuero Gatz & Hartmann,
Fehrbelliner Str. 32, 1000 Berlin 20, GERMANY
Tel: 030- 344 23 66 or 030-375 55 68
FAX: 030- 344 92 79 or 030-375 56 55
email to: leo@zelator.in-berlin.de
MPEG 2.0 for windows3.x is now available !
It is the digital Video player via a software only solution ! It displays
in a 320x240 window under win3.x a realtime decompressed digital video !
Decompression is done only by software and it reaches 30 frames/sec on a
486 PC ! The new version has a very enhanced picture quality, because the
compression rate with the encoder can now be adjusted ! The very new thing
is the WAV-Sound support ! So if you have a soundcard inside your PC [or
the speaker-drv installed !], you will have a real video-clip with
accompagning sound !
They currently sell 3 demo disks with the full featured Player, version
2.0 and lots of animations on the disks.
It is availbale for 39.-DM over here in Germany, which is 26 US$.