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pix/mwb/DOpus5_PIcn.lha |
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DOpus5_Icons * A collection of icons for use with Directory Opus 5 Lister
Toolbars. For those who want their Opus5 to look a little more
interesting and exciting!
* Icons use the MagicWB palette (8 colours).
* Includes screen grabs for those interested in what the new
and very different version of DOpus looks like.
* Information on ordering DOpus5 also included.
(I am in no way connected with GP software)
* I (Leo Davidson) claim virtually no credit for the icons:
they're really just a (good! IMHO) cut-n-paste job on icons
by other people. I hope that these people do not mind me
doing this to their images!
Compiled by Leo Davidson (P0T-NOoDLE / Gods'Gift/Anthrox)
-> "Nudel" on IRC - 'Hi' to all those who've taken the time to talk to me!
-> e-mail: leo@hampschl.demon.co.uk (Until July'95).
This is the AmiNet release of this collection of Icons.
This file was previously released as D5P0TICN.LZX:
D5P0TICN.LZX was spread around on a few BBS, but was rejected by
AmiNet due to the .LZX format being used (guess I didn't read the upload
rules well enough...). A little time past between the making of the .LZX
and .LHA (AmiNet) versions, during which I made some changes to the contents:
1) The icons themselves have not changed, so if you already have D5P0TICN.LZX,
there's little point in getting this.
2) For the record, the text file has changed and been updated a little
now that my registered version of DOpus5 has arrived. The example
pictures have changed as well (they're better now), and I removed the
picture of my (wonderful!) Workbench, as the new example picture is
quite large and I didn't want to create a monster archive.
-) That's about it really!...
Full Contents:
File_Id.DIZ Description for scene boards.
DOpus5_Icons.TXT Full information about the archive.
DOpus5_Icons_16.IFF 16 colour version of Icons.
DOpus5_Icons_8.IFF 8 colour version of Icons. (Std-MWB)
DOpus5_PIcon.readme Duplicate of AmiNet .readme file.
P0T_DOpus5_H.IFF Example picture: Hires-Laced
P0T_DOpus5_L.IFF Example picture: Lores-Laced
For more information, read DOpus5_Icons.TXT in the archive (which looks just
like this file at the top - don't be fooled!)
Contents of pix/mwb/DOpus5_PIcn.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 3893 9031 43.1% -lh5- a31d May 3 1995 Dopus5_Icons/DOpus5_Icons.TXT
[generic] 21027 43790 48.0% -lh5- 7aa1 May 3 1995 Dopus5_Icons/DOpus5_Icons_16.IFF
[generic] 17625 26000 67.8% -lh5- 53d6 May 3 1995 Dopus5_Icons/DOpus5_Icons_8.IFF
[generic] 1243 2994 41.5% -lh5- 2fd3 May 3 1995 Dopus5_Icons/DOpus5_PIcon.readme
[generic] 39335 76708 51.3% -lh5- 1cc8 May 3 1995 Dopus5_Icons/P0T_DOpus5_H.IFF
[generic] 19313 38534 50.1% -lh5- b7bd May 3 1995 Dopus5_Icons/P0T_DOpus5_L.IFF
[generic] 177 216 81.9% -lh5- 317f May 3 1995 File_ID.DIZ
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 7 files 102613 197273 52.0% May 7 1995
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