84782 packages online
pix/mwb/IconArchive.lha |
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Welcome to the first edition of the Icon Archive. My goal with this project is to
provide a single source for MagicWB (© Martin Huttenloher) style icons. I personally will oversee this
project, however I am not an artist, so only a few of the icons in this archive are
my own work.
The future:
I would like to see this archive expand and fill in the gaps which currently exist.
Eventually, I'd like to see freely distributable system icons included with permission
granted for Amiga Technologies to include them on Workbench disks. Should this project
become large enough, a CD will be created so that it will be in an easy to use format.
This CD will be very low priced.
Short: Massive Icon Archive 1.0 (MagicWB style)
Uploader: tscott@ezlink.com (Tony Scott)
A request:
Please send me your icons! UUEncode them and email to
I also frequent comp.sys.amiga.misc and may be reached there if email does
not work. Along with them include the statement;
"I am the owner and author of all images contained within this package, and allow
Amiga Technologies/Escom to freely distribute them in any format they choose. I
further allow Tony Scott to include them in the Icon Archive, which will be
distributed on AmiNet, or on CD."
This archive or any subsection larger than 10% of it, may NOT be sold in any
way except by Amiga Technologies/Escom, who may use it as they see fit.
To the best of my knowledge, all icons in this archive have been placed within the
public domain, or their authors have given me permission to include them.
I would like to thank the following for their work included with this archive.
Martin Huttenloher / Inventor of the Magic Workbench style
Thomas Baetzler
Karsten Böhm
Walter Dörwald
Jan-Tore Eliassen
Jody Garnett
Torsten Hiddessen
Stefan Kost
Roman Patzer
Martin Rolfsmeyer
Mark Rose
Christian Scholz
Frank Stohl
Alisdair Walker
Contents of pix/mwb/IconArchive.lha
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