Here are some science fiction based icons. They require Newicons installed and
running, and about 11-13 free pens on Workbench (some of the greys match Workbench
and MagicWB greys.) In practise this is a 32/64 colour WB screen, depending on
the patterns used.
The icons are split into 3 classes, based on size. The first, small, are 41x39
pixels, the MWB disk size. The second, big, are 58x39, the MWB hard drive size.
The misc dir contains icons ov any size, usually for games or programs. More of
these to come, BTW :)
They were created using ImageFX and Iconian, and digitised using Vidi Amiga 12
where applicable. I have many more Icons, but have decided to split them into 2
archives, this one (pcs-sf_icons.lha) and another (pcs-misc_icons.lha) to come
A quick thanks to Guybrush for convincing me to get off my arse and release these
icons and sending the pics for 3 of the Scully icons, and everyone who contacted
me about my WB pic and the B5 boot pic :)
These icons aren't mailware, but if you mail me, I'll apreciate it a lot. If you
want a picture converted, mail me and UUEncode the picture (less than 100k per pic
please) or tell me where it can be FTP'd or whatever, and I'll get it done for
the next release. I would like some pictures of Mulder from X Files, and some from
Twin Peaks too, as any I have got were of very poor quality, even reduced to the
sizes here. I don't just do faces, but that's what I've concentrated on here.
If you don't have my WB pic, it is pix/wb/LigurWB.lha, and the B5 boot pic is
pix/boot/b5bootpic.lha. I hope this readme gets a better reaction than the boot
pic one, which I admit is very poor and ill thought out.