84782 packages online
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============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
131860 70760 46.3% 17-Jul-94 22:17:40 Tile080
127228 63716 49.9% 17-Jul-94 22:17:40 Tile081
203560 195165 4.1% 17-Jul-94 22:17:40 Tile082
203264 179553 11.6% 17-Jul-94 22:17:40 Tile083
199366 190872 4.2% 17-Jul-94 22:17:40 Tile084
177456 131290 26.0% 17-Jul-94 22:17:40 Tile085
147968 81425 44.9% 17-Jul-94 22:17:40 Tile086
187366 147663 21.1% 17-Jul-94 22:17:40 Tile087
120984 87295 27.8% 17-Jul-94 22:17:40 Tile088
154866 118883 23.2% 17-Jul-94 22:17:40 Tile089
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
1653918 1266622 23.4% 01-May-96 13:59:38 10 files
Contents of pix/textu/Tile08x.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 70760 131860 53.7% -lh5- b2dc Jul 17 1994 Tile080
[generic] 63716 127228 50.1% -lh5- 81ac Jul 17 1994 Tile081
[generic] 195165 203560 95.9% -lh5- e479 Jul 17 1994 Tile082
[generic] 179553 203264 88.3% -lh5- b626 Jul 17 1994 Tile083
[generic] 190872 199366 95.7% -lh5- ffa7 Jul 17 1994 Tile084
[generic] 131290 177456 74.0% -lh5- 02de Jul 17 1994 Tile085
[generic] 81425 147968 55.0% -lh5- 1344 Jul 17 1994 Tile086
[generic] 147663 187366 78.8% -lh5- fdb5 Jul 17 1994 Tile087
[generic] 87295 120984 72.2% -lh5- b90a Jul 17 1994 Tile088
[generic] 118883 154866 76.8% -lh5- 0d03 Jul 17 1994 Tile089
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 10 files 1266622 1653918 76.6% Dec 25 1997
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