84782 packages online
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============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
199898 100548 49.7% 17-Jul-94 22:17:40 Tile140
202526 111237 45.0% 17-Jul-94 22:17:40 Tile141
186214 107811 42.1% 17-Jul-94 22:17:40 Tile142
203264 118838 41.5% 17-Jul-94 22:17:40 Tile143
203684 30631 84.9% 17-Jul-94 22:17:40 Tile144
184336 161796 12.2% 17-Jul-94 22:17:40 Tile145
153156 130483 14.8% 17-Jul-94 22:17:40 Tile146
187392 104690 44.1% 17-Jul-94 22:17:40 Tile147
118532 101399 14.4% 17-Jul-94 22:17:40 Tile148
151570 139746 7.8% 17-Jul-94 22:17:40 Tile149
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
1790572 1107179 38.1% 01-May-96 13:59:38 10 files
Contents of pix/textu/Tile14x.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 100548 199898 50.3% -lh5- 3002 Jul 17 1994 Tile140
[generic] 111237 202526 54.9% -lh5- 9873 Jul 17 1994 Tile141
[generic] 107811 186214 57.9% -lh5- b258 Jul 17 1994 Tile142
[generic] 118838 203264 58.5% -lh5- 727e Jul 17 1994 Tile143
[generic] 30631 203684 15.0% -lh5- e84d Jul 17 1994 Tile144
[generic] 161796 184336 87.8% -lh5- a175 Jul 17 1994 Tile145
[generic] 130483 153156 85.2% -lh5- b7f1 Jul 17 1994 Tile146
[generic] 104690 187392 55.9% -lh5- 65c5 Jul 17 1994 Tile147
[generic] 101399 118532 85.5% -lh5- 75e0 Jul 17 1994 Tile148
[generic] 139746 151570 92.2% -lh5- e154 Jul 17 1994 Tile149
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 10 files 1107179 1790572 61.8% Dec 25 1997
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