# Atlantis_Mixer
# Date: 12/02/2006
# Author: Jerry GOULET / AmiGame
# Description: It's a theme for Mixer (AmigaOne - AOS4)
# Done using ImageFXLite on AmigaOS4 Pre4 (on an A1-XE-G4)
# Platform AmigaOne / OS4
# Requirements: Mixer ;-)
# Installation: Just copy the images in the Atlantis_Mixer folder to the Mixer/Images Folder
# Any issues, feedbacks, or just to say hello... User my Email: jerrygoulet()googlemail.com
# Or PM me on www.AmigaWorld.net (UserID: JerryUK007)
# I hope you enjoy !
v0.2 Repacked version to solve the protection issue
v0.1 First version