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Short:[MorphOS] AOS 1.x Skin
Author: blade_runner at (Oliver Hummel)
Uploader:blade_runner gmx li (Oliver Hummel)
Requires:Morph OS 1.4+
Download:pix/theme/nostalgia.lha - View contents

                    Nostalgia Skin

   Well it is a long time ago when I announced
   this Skin, based upon the classic Amiga OS 1.x
   I had plans for a complete OS 1.x MorphOS look,
   including Icons, Skins for ANR and Frogger and so on.
   Unfortunatelly I had not that much time and still haven`t.

   But there where so many requests for that skin (Personally
   I think it is somewhat ugly but well... it`s Nostalgic )
   that I decided to release it as it is.

   To install this Skin, you can either use the Install Skript,
   Or you can do it "by Hand" just make a Skins Directory
   in Sys:Prefs and copy the whole Nostalgia directory to it.


   This time I´ve included some additional stuff, like a few
   OS 1.3 Icons, Backdrop and once again a mui prefs file
   which will be installed onto your hardisk if you want.
   After the Installation it is found in Sys:prefs/presets/mui
   named "Nostalgia.prefs" Now you can select it by choosing
   Settings/Global Mui Settings in Ambient Menu. (Mui still searches
   the Mui Assign, ignore it and choose the right path manually)

   But don`t expect to much, because it is still somewhat unfinished,
   lacking new mui images for example. But perhaps *you* want to make
   some images and a better mui prefs file? Well feel free to send me your
   Work. :-)


   Some Notes:


   I had many complaints about the big size of my skins and that they don`t fit
   on screens below 1280x1024.
   Ok this time everything should also look good an smaller screen sizes. Really ;-)

   Well what can I say, for the best Nostalgia Feeling, look for a Topaz Font and
   use it ;-) I recommend size 11 or 13
   If you think that the skin looks a bit cropped, you canplay with
   The Preview Screenshot should give you a good Idea how it was ment to look

   As I allready mentioned, I tried to make the skin looking as close
   as possible like OS 1.x (BTW X, because it is a mixture from all 1.x
   Versions, including the beta 1.4 which became later 2.0)
   This means instead of the typical grey, you will have a blue pen!
   If you want to change the colours,
   load the Skin config file into you favourite Text Editor
   and play with the values for the Systempens. (But please
   don`t complain if you end with black text on black background,
   you have been warned!) For a dark Grey just change the Value
   for Systempen 0. C8C8C8 should give a good Result.

   Some last Words:
   For the moment I guess this was my last Skin for MOS 1.4
   No, I am not leaving, I like my Peg and I like MorphOS.
   But according to some rumours, the next OS update will include
   also some enhancements in the skinning System. This means I can
   make more acurate Skins from Ofour and Nostalgia (afaik the dragbar
   will be skinable too) and perhaps even a good looking Aqua Skin.

   ***Thank you***

   OcineL & Nowee for their great gfx work for MOS and because
   I forgot to mention them in my last readme;

   the whole Morph OS Team for making a new Amiga OS;

   tokai for his help and especially for all the tools he made
   I have many in use;

   Fab and Realstar for their Fantastic Emulatoradapts (They are not "just" ports")

   Petra Struck for the best Amiga News Portal

   And many many others :-)

   This skin is ©2004 Oliver Hummel
   The Amiga Logo is © Ainc/Kmos/whoever


   This Skin is Mailware, If you like it, mail me, If you
   don`t like it mail me too. (Criticism is a good thing if
   it could help to make things better)

   It is freely redistributable, but it would be nice
   if you send me a short mail if you plan to include
   it on CD Rom or upload it anywhere else than on Morphzone
   or Aminet.
   You may use it for your own skin e.g. Visual Prefs.
   I am not responsible for any damage, use it at your own risk.

Contents of pix/theme/nostalgia.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  779     779 100.0% -lh0- 8ca6 Oct 13  2004 Nostalgia_Install/
[generic]                28640   28640 100.0% -lh0- 85bf Oct 13  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Backdrop/Nostalgia_1024x768.jpg
[generic]                37621   37621 100.0% -lh0- 3dd2 Oct 13  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Backdrop/Nostalgia_1280x1024.jpg
[generic]                  779     779 100.0% -lh0- da05 Oct 13  2004 Nostalgia_Install/
[generic]                  739     739 100.0% -lh0- 22e3 Oct 13  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Icons/
[generic]                  739     739 100.0% -lh0- c181 Oct 13  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Icons/
[generic]                  971     971 100.0% -lh0- a22d Oct 13  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Icons/
[generic]                  635     635 100.0% -lh0- 4d9d Oct 13  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Icons/
[generic]                  739     739 100.0% -lh0- d1eb Oct 13  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Icons/
[generic]                 1755    1755 100.0% -lh0- 3f36 Oct 13  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Icons/System/
[generic]                  537   14822   3.6% -lh5- 5779 Oct 13  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Icons/System/
[generic]                 2138    2138 100.0% -lh0- 9486 Oct 13  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Icons/
[generic]                  739     739 100.0% -lh0- a13b Oct 13  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Icons/
[generic]                  696   10382   6.7% -lh5- bfa7 Oct 13  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Icons/Utilities/Graphic
[generic]                  480    7190   6.7% -lh5- 8b01 Oct 13  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Icons/Utilities/
[generic]                  673    7721   8.7% -lh5- ff53 Oct 13  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Icons/Utilities/
[generic]                  542    1926  28.1% -lh5- 9fee Oct 13  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Install_Skin
[generic]                  527    7236   7.3% -lh5- 479a Oct 13  2004 Nostalgia_Install/
[generic]                 3666   15604  23.5% -lh5- 8a00 Jun 10  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia.prefs
[generic]                  198    1381  14.3% -lh5- bf29 Jun  8  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/MenuBackground
[generic]                  194    1781  10.9% -lh5- 29e3 Jun 10  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/MenuTitlebar
[generic]                  496    9437   5.3% -lh5- 8fd1 Oct 13  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/Requesters/crash
[generic]                 1826   10397  17.6% -lh5- f7da Oct 13  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/Requesters/DiskBusy
[generic]                 1385   10397  13.3% -lh5- 1493 Oct 13  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/Requesters/DiskError
[generic]                  545   10397   5.2% -lh5- e22a Oct 13  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/Requesters/DiskFull
[generic]                  607   10397   5.8% -lh5- 8f64 Oct 13  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/Requesters/DiskInsert
[generic]                  510   10397   4.9% -lh5- 6a6d Oct 13  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/Requesters/DiskNotValidated
[generic]                  528   10397   5.1% -lh5- 8c3a Oct 13  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/Requesters/DiskProtected
[generic]                  536   10397   5.2% -lh5- 0928 Oct 13  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/Requesters/NoDisk
[generic]                 5875   10595  55.5% -lh5- a63d May 29  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/Requesters/NotADOSdisk
[generic]                  180     252  71.4% -lh5- 4027 Oct 13  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/Requesters/RequesterBackground
[generic]                  179     197  90.9% -lh5- 63e1 Oct 13  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/Requesters/RequesterTextBackground
[generic]                 1748    4834  36.2% -lh5- 4703 Jun 10  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/SkinConfig
[generic]                  197    1781  11.1% -lh5- 3469 Jun  9  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/STitleBarBackground
[generic]                  871    3781  23.0% -lh5- 29de Jun  9  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/STitleBarObject
[generic]                  355    7381   4.8% -lh5- a468 Jun 10  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/SysIClassClose
[generic]                  371    7141   5.2% -lh5- e538 Jun 10  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/SysIClassDepth
[generic]                  332    4067   8.2% -lh5- 9a62 Jun  9  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/SysIClassDown
[generic]                  413    6181   6.7% -lh5- 00f8 Jun 10  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/SysIClassIconify
[generic]                  444    6181   7.2% -lh5- 4652 Jun 10  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/SysIClassJump
[generic]                  323    4067   7.9% -lh5- e29f Jun  9  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/SysIClassLeft
[generic]                  624    1547  40.3% -lh5- 212f Jun 10  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/SysIClassMenuCheck
[generic]                  506    2489  20.3% -lh5- 65ca Jun 10  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/SysIClassMenuKey
[generic]                  628    2771  22.7% -lh5- b139 Jun 10  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/SysIClassMenuToggle
[generic]                  433    6181   7.0% -lh5- 19ea Jun 10  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/SysIClassMUI
[generic]                  473    6181   7.7% -lh5- ee58 Jun 10  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/SysIClassPopup
[generic]                  315    4067   7.7% -lh5- 73c0 Jun  9  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/SysIClassRight
[generic]                  449    8833   5.1% -lh5- 4072 Jun 10  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/SysIClassSDepth
[generic]                  333    4067   8.2% -lh5- 9a44 Jun  9  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/SysIClassSize
[generic]                  448    6181   7.2% -lh5- 9135 Jun 10  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/SysIClassSnapshot
[generic]                  451    1781  25.3% -lh5- 3bca Jun 10  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/SysIClassSubMenu
[generic]                  315    4067   7.7% -lh5- a346 Jun  9  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/SysIClassUp
[generic]                  393    6181   6.4% -lh5- e171 Jun 10  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/SysIClassZoom
[generic]                  194    1781  10.9% -lh5- 909d Jun  9  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/WindowBackground
[generic]                  198    1781  11.1% -lh5- b275 Jun  9  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/WindowBackgroundActive
[generic]                  199    1781  11.2% -lh5- 23a3 Jun  9  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/WindowTitlebarL
[generic]                  194    1781  10.9% -lh5- ec95 Jun  9  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/WindowTitlebarLActive
[generic]                  177     261  67.8% -lh5- 6c41 Jun  9  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/WindowTitlebarLM
[generic]                  171     261  65.5% -lh5- 42e4 Jun  9  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/WindowTitlebarLMActive
[generic]                  176     261  67.4% -lh5- b2a7 Jun  9  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/WindowTitlebarM1
[generic]                  177     261  67.8% -lh5- af43 Jun  9  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/WindowTitlebarM1Active
[generic]                  238    1621  14.7% -lh5- 4b15 Jun  9  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/WindowTitlebarM2
[generic]                  214    1621  13.2% -lh5- a2e1 Jun  9  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/WindowTitlebarM2Active
[generic]                  231    1621  14.3% -lh5- 6368 Jun 10  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/WindowTitlebarM3
[generic]                  213    1621  13.1% -lh5- ad8b Jun 10  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/WindowTitlebarM3Active
[generic]                  196    1381  14.2% -lh5- 25c9 Jun 10  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/WindowTitlebarR
[generic]                  194    1381  14.0% -lh5- 8d56 Jun 10  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/WindowTitlebarRActive
[generic]                  186     581  32.0% -lh5- eb4b Jun 10  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/WindowTitlebarRM
[generic]                  185     581  31.8% -lh5- ce4d Jun 10  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Nostalgia/WindowTitlebarRMActive
[generic]               277122  277122 100.0% -lh0- a3ac Oct 13  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Preview.png
[generic]                  736   10432   7.1% -lh5- c8b4 Oct 13  2004 Nostalgia_Install/
[generic]                 2097    4219  49.7% -lh5- 112d Oct 13  2004 Nostalgia_Install/Readme
[generic]                  704    7766   9.1% -lh5- ae00 Oct 13  2004 Nostalgia_Install/
[generic]                  771     771 100.0% -lh0- c627 Oct 13  2004
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        74 files  391449  656223  59.7%            Aug 30 00:21
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