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Short:Amiga WorkBench Themes (Cartoon Series 1)
Author: garpa at (Carl Harrison)
Uploader:garpa southwales u-net com (Carl Harrison)
Download:pix/theme/theme_cartoon.lha - View contents

                                 Amiga Themes
Concept by Carl Harrison (

Q. What the hell is Amiga Themes?
A. Amiga Themes is based on the Windows Themes except a shitload better.

Q. Why make one?
A. Nobody else has bothered doing it on the Amiga, and since the release
of RASP, it has become possible to use the potential of Themes much further
than the PC types could ever do. I also LOVE using Themes coz I don't have
to do anything but my miggy sounds kewl as F*!k and looks GREEAAATTT! :)

Although Themes cannot be copyrighted coz of the pics and sounds included
I would like ** YOU ** to make a theme for all the other Amiga Users. You 
probably don't even have to do anything - you already have the sounds
and pics probably installed already. Just copy them to the directories 
enclosed, changing script files as necessary and upload to Aminet for
every Amiga user to enjoy.

E-Mail me with yer samples and pics and I'll compile the themes, that way
all "AliensMovies" pics are all together instead of having half a dozen
AliensMovies themes with same pics etc... If yer send them to me I can
control them and release them into Aminet for distribution. Sounds ok?

****************************** AMIGA RULEZ *********************************

Contents of pix/theme/theme_cartoon.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                10359   11673  88.7% -lh5- 59fd Mar 31  1989 WB_Themes/Cartoon/beep/AAAAAHHH.SND
[generic]                14959   17066  87.7% -lh5- cb89 Sep 10  1990 WB_Themes/Cartoon/beep/BUZZERSN.SND
[generic]                 8274   10024  82.5% -lh5- c81c Sep 10  1990 WB_Themes/Cartoon/beep/WAHAHASN.SND
[generic]                 5733    6746  85.0% -lh5- 3ce8 May 14  1996 WB_Themes/Cartoon/cli_open/Wahoo
[generic]                 1713    2006  85.4% -lh5- b94c Sep 10  1990 WB_Themes/Cartoon/close_screen/BLUUP.SND
[generic]                 5717    6246  91.5% -lh5- 1a41 Sep  6  1990 WB_Themes/Cartoon/close_screen/BOING.SND
[generic]                 1825    2256  80.9% -lh5- d7ca Sep 10  1990 WB_Themes/Cartoon/close_screen/FLOOP.SND
[generic]                 6040    7748  78.0% -lh5- df85 Sep 10  1993 WB_Themes/Cartoon/close_screen/FX8
[generic]                12094   17544  68.9% -lh5- b4f9 Sep 10  1990 WB_Themes/Cartoon/close_screen/THATSALL.SND
[generic]                10444   12570  83.1% -lh5- 6647 Sep 10  1990 WB_Themes/Cartoon/close_screen/WAHOO.SND
[generic]                10359   11673  88.7% -lh5- 59fd Mar 31  1989 WB_Themes/Cartoon/disk_inserted/AAAAAHHH.SND
[generic]                13888   16328  85.1% -lh5- 45a2 Sep 10  1990 WB_Themes/Cartoon/disk_inserted/AHOOHOOS.SND
[generic]                 8827   12226  72.2% -lh5- 7da8 Sep 10  1990 WB_Themes/Cartoon/disk_inserted/SNOOPY2S.SND
[generic]                74081   97546  75.9% -lh5- c11e Mar 15  1991 WB_Themes/Cartoon/disk_inserted/WOODY.SND
[generic]                21856   23204  94.2% -lh5- c420 Sep 10  1990 WB_Themes/Cartoon/disk_inserted/YOSEMITE.SND
[generic]                10359   11673  88.7% -lh5- 59fd Mar 31  1989 WB_Themes/Cartoon/disk_removed/AAAAAHHH.SND
[generic]                 9620   11048  87.1% -lh5- 84f8 Sep 10  1990 WB_Themes/Cartoon/disk_removed/AHHH.SND
[generic]                 9610   11560  83.1% -lh5- a793 Sep 10  1990 WB_Themes/Cartoon/disk_removed/SNOOPYSN.SND
[generic]                 8274   10024  82.5% -lh5- c81c Sep 10  1990 WB_Themes/Cartoon/disk_removed/WAHAHASN.SND
[generic]                74081   97546  75.9% -lh5- c11e Mar 15  1991 WB_Themes/Cartoon/disk_removed/WOODY.SND
[generic]                21856   23204  94.2% -lh5- c420 Sep 10  1990 WB_Themes/Cartoon/disk_removed/YOSEMITE.SND
[generic]                 8863   12086  73.3% -lh5- 3d40 Sep 10  1990 WB_Themes/Cartoon/insert_volume/WHATSUPD.SND
[generic]                 1713    2006  85.4% -lh5- b94c Sep 10  1990 WB_Themes/Cartoon/open_screen/BLUUP.SND
[generic]                 5717    6246  91.5% -lh5- 1a41 Sep  6  1990 WB_Themes/Cartoon/open_screen/BOING.SND
[generic]                10444   12570  83.1% -lh5- 6647 Sep 10  1990 WB_Themes/Cartoon/open_screen/WAHOO.SND
[generic]               240493  270160  89.0% -lh5- 4a14 Aug 12  1991 WB_Themes/Cartoon/Pictures/DIZZY01.GIF.iff
[generic]                57602  120514  47.8% -lh5- 3dc9 Mar  2  1992 WB_Themes/Cartoon/Pictures/DragonsLAir
[generic]                33340   39072  85.3% -lh5- fdfa Aug 11  1991 WB_Themes/Cartoon/Pictures/Ernie&Bert.iff
[generic]                60127   69062  87.1% -lh5- f2fc Aug 11  1991 WB_Themes/Cartoon/Pictures/Sylvest&Tweetie.iff
[generic]                13036   14888  87.6% -lh5- 8bcc Apr 12  1996 WB_Themes/Cartoon/Pictures/windows/ColoredStones.iff
[generic]                 3111    4126  75.4% -lh5- 75cf Apr 10  1996 WB_Themes/Cartoon/Pictures/windows/FlagStone.iff
[generic]                 4340    5638  77.0% -lh5- 675d Apr 10  1996 WB_Themes/Cartoon/Pictures/windows/Mush.iff
[generic]                14928   18510  80.6% -lh5- 2ccb Apr 12  1996 WB_Themes/Cartoon/Pictures/windows/Pebble.iff
[generic]                15739   18816  83.6% -lh5- 3c1b Apr 12  1996 WB_Themes/Cartoon/Pictures/windows/Terrazzo.iff
[generic]                19424   21136  91.9% -lh5- d371 Apr 12  1996 WB_Themes/Cartoon/Pictures/windows/ToiletPaper.iff
[generic]                 3419    5906  57.9% -lh5- 6e37 Apr 12  1996 WB_Themes/Cartoon/Pictures/windows/WaterDrops.iff
[generic]                 9730   11988  81.2% -lh5- 3dfa Apr 12  1996 WB_Themes/Cartoon/Pictures/windows/Wood.iff
[generic]                13271   16884  78.6% -lh5- ec55 Sep  6  1990 WB_Themes/Cartoon/query_general/BUGGS.SND
[generic]                10435   11744  88.9% -lh5- 790a Sep 19  1990 WB_Themes/Cartoon/query_general/BUGSMEAN.SND
[generic]                 8863   12086  73.3% -lh5- 3d40 Sep 10  1990 WB_Themes/Cartoon/query_general/WHATSUPD.SND
[generic]               119076  132584  89.8% -lh5- 5c46 Mar 15  1991 WB_Themes/Cartoon/startup_complete/MERRYMEL.SND
[generic]                 9620   11048  87.1% -lh5- 84f8 Sep 10  1990 WB_Themes/Cartoon/task_held/AHHH.SND
[generic]                13888   16328  85.1% -lh5- 45a2 Sep 10  1990 WB_Themes/Cartoon/task_held/AHOOHOOS.SND
[generic]                42840   46760  91.6% -lh5- b9c1 Sep 10  1990 WB_Themes/Cartoon/task_held/BUGSPROG.SND
[generic]                21363   24312  87.9% -lh5- 98db Sep 10  1990 WB_Themes/Cartoon/task_held/DAFFYDIRSND
[generic]                31119   38352  81.1% -lh5- cbb1 Sep 10  1990 WB_Themes/Cartoon/task_held/HOTFOOTS.SND
[generic]                12094   17544  68.9% -lh5- b4f9 Sep 10  1990 WB_Themes/Cartoon/task_held/THATSALL.SND
[generic]                16697   23368  71.5% -lh5- d848 Sep 10  1990 WB_Themes/Cartoon/task_held/YERDESPI.SND
[generic]                21856   23204  94.2% -lh5- c420 Sep 10  1990 WB_Themes/Cartoon/task_held/YOSEMITE.SND
[generic]                19283   28126  68.6% -lh5- 1683 Sep 10  1990 WB_Themes/Cartoon/warn_general/SOMETHIN.SND
[generic]                10359   11673  88.7% -lh5- 59fd Aug 14  1991 sound/samples/rndsnd/beep_snd
[generic]                 6040    7748  78.0% -lh5- df85 Aug 10  1991 sound/samples/rndsnd/close_screen.snd
[generic]                 8863   12086  73.3% -lh5- 3d40 Aug 14  1991 sound/samples/rndsnd/insert_volume.snd
[generic]                 8269   11226  73.7% -lh5- eb9c Aug 10  1991 sound/samples/rndsnd/open_screen.snd
[generic]                 5118    7908  64.7% -lh5- 5c0a Aug  8  1997 sound/samples/rndsnd/tcp_ip.snd
[generic]                39429   63302  62.3% -lh5- 378b Aug  8  1997 Graphics/wb-bkgrnds/16col/Amiga-Voyager
[generic]                49092   59470  82.5% -lh5- 3438 Mar 31  1993 Graphics/wb-bkgrnds/16col/Dolphins
[generic]                42743  157622  27.1% -lh5- 94c6 Aug 14  1991 Graphics/wb-bkgrnds/16col/WipeOut_paltitle.iff
[generic]                  273     459  59.5% -lh5- 57a4 Aug 14  1991 Graphics/wb-bkgrnds/16col/
[generic]                36951  149798  24.7% -lh5- fd39 Aug 14  1991 Graphics/wb-bkgrnds/16col/WIpeOut_XL.iff
[generic]                  273     459  59.5% -lh5- 57a4 Aug 14  1991 Graphics/wb-bkgrnds/16col/
[generic]                13036   14888  87.6% -lh5- 8bcc Apr 12  1996 Graphics/wb-bkgrnds/windows/ColoredStones.iff
[generic]                 3111    4126  75.4% -lh5- 75cf Apr 10  1996 Graphics/wb-bkgrnds/windows/FlagStone.iff
[generic]                 4340    5638  77.0% -lh5- 675d Apr 10  1996 Graphics/wb-bkgrnds/windows/Mush.iff
[generic]                14928   18510  80.6% -lh5- 2ccb Apr 12  1996 Graphics/wb-bkgrnds/windows/Pebble.iff
[generic]                15739   18816  83.6% -lh5- 3c1b Apr 12  1996 Graphics/wb-bkgrnds/windows/Terrazzo.iff
[generic]                19424   21136  91.9% -lh5- d371 Apr 12  1996 Graphics/wb-bkgrnds/windows/ToiletPaper.iff
[generic]                 3419    5906  57.9% -lh5- 6e37 Apr 12  1996 Graphics/wb-bkgrnds/windows/WaterDrops.iff
[generic]                 9730   11988  81.2% -lh5- 3dfa Apr 12  1996 Graphics/wb-bkgrnds/windows/Wood.iff
[generic]                  261    1200  21.8% -lh5- 6614 Aug 14  1991 s/THEMEcartoon.theme
[generic]                  680    1212  56.1% -lh5- 847f Aug 14  1991 s/WBTHEMES-Startup-Sequence2
[generic]                  432    1578  27.4% -lh5- 7a15 Aug 14  1991 s/IFX.ids
[generic]                  680    1212  56.1% -lh5- 847f Aug 14  1991 s/README_WBTHEMES-Startup
[generic]                  540    1514  35.7% -lh5- 8265 Aug 14  1991 s/upd.IDs
[generic]                  574    3842  14.9% -lh5- 265f Aug 16  1991 SCRIPTFILE.IMPORTANT!
[generic]                   80      83  96.4% -lh5- 642e Aug 16  1991 UPD_IFX_SUPPORT.Txt
[generic]                  576    3842  15.0% -lh5- e3c2 Aug 16  1991
[generic]                  590     980  60.2% -lh5- 15ed Aug 16  1991 SCRIPTFILE.IMPORTANT!.txt
[generic]                  689    1359  50.7% -lh5- b215 Aug 16  1991 text/mystuff/Amiga_Themes.Txt
[generic]                  574    3842  14.9% -lh5- fe68 Aug 16  1991 text/mystuff/
[generic]                 3209    4220  76.0% -lh5- 73e5 Aug 16  1991 sound/samples/rndsnd/beep.snd
[generic]                 5118    7908  64.7% -lh5- 5c0a Aug 16  1991 sound/samples/rndsnd/cli_open.snd
[generic]                24485   44094  55.5% -lh5- b202 Aug 16  1991 sound/samples/rndsnd/delete.snd
[generic]                 5733    6746  85.0% -lh5- 3ce8 Aug 16  1991 sound/samples/rndsnd/disk_inserted.snd
[generic]                12007   16778  71.6% -lh5- c8cb Aug 16  1991 sound/samples/rndsnd/disk_removed.snd
[generic]                29457   37568  78.4% -lh5- d9e6 Aug 16  1991 sound/samples/rndsnd/err_readwrite.snd
[generic]                41656   78354  53.2% -lh5- 69ec Aug 16  1991 sound/samples/rndsnd/printer.snd
[generic]                16504   26608  62.0% -lh5- df18 Aug 16  1991 sound/samples/rndsnd/query_general.snd
[generic]                15022   28914  52.0% -lh5- d2a3 Aug 16  1991 sound/samples/rndsnd/task_held.snd
[generic]                 8720   13396  65.1% -lh5- 7559 Aug 16  1991 sound/samples/rndsnd/warn_general.snd
[generic]                 4289    8820  48.6% -lh5- d671 Aug 16  1991 sound/samples/rndsnd/write_protect.snd
[generic]               140822  208678  67.5% -lh5- 1a42 Aug 16  1991 Graphics/wb-bkgrnds/chosen/picboot.PIC
[generic]                39429   63302  62.3% -lh5- 378b Aug 16  1991 Graphics/wb-bkgrnds/chosen/WB_Back.PIC
[generic]                19424   21136  91.9% -lh5- d371 Aug 16  1991 Graphics/wb-bkgrnds/chosen/WBWIN.PIC
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        94 files 1845088 2624920  70.3%            Aug 18  1997
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