Creature is a test image from some of my work in progress. It is part of
a film I have been working on for the SciFi channel/Amiga World contest
as is the Furnace pic which you may have seen. It looks fairly unlikely
that I will make the contest deadlines because of other projects so I
am posting this pic to give you an idea of what it would have looked like.
I will probably still complete the film but at some later date. Anyway,
hope you like it. It was modeled and rendered entirely with beta LightWave
Feel free to redistribute this image but the entire archive (with the readme)
must stay intact. The image may not be used for commercial purposes without
my permission.
% ` ' Mark Thompson CONCURRENT COMPUTER %
% --==* RADIANT *==-- Principal Graphics %
% ' Image ` ...!uunet!masscomp!mark Hardware Architect %
% Productions (508)392-2480 (603)424-1829 & General Nuisance %
% %