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pix/wb/AndyDs_WB.lha |
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This screenshot shows what can really be done with a 32-colour Workbench
screen, ProWB icons, MCP and Birdie.
The Amiga is: A1200T, 040/40, 34Mb RAM, 1.7Gb & 420Mb hard-drives, 16x CD,
SVGA, KS 3.1.
Software is NewIcons 4.1 patch, Birdie 1.4, KingCON, MCP 1.31beta5 and
various other programs which prove Workbench is the most expandable OS in
the computing industry.
ProWb Lite icon set, as shown, uses the NewIcons patch, and is available
from http://www.stack.nl/~eric/prowb.html
Birdie, the patch which gives textured window borders, plus lots more, is
available from http://come.to/cgx
My own page is at http://surf.to/andys.page - I can be found most evenings
in #amiga on both Amiganet and IRCnet. Give me a wave! :)
Contents of pix/wb/AndyDs_WB.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 81699 119482 68.4% -lh5- 5663 Dec 2 1997 AndyDs_WB.iff
[generic] 875 1312 66.7% -lh5- b264 Dec 2 1997 AndyDs_WB.iff.info
[generic] 539 839 64.2% -lh5- 865f Dec 2 1997 AndyDs_WB.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 3 files 83113 121633 68.3% Dec 3 1997
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