Here is a GIF of my Workbench using a Japanese Katakana font which I made.
The font, Japanese.font, is included with this archive. It tries to approximate
the normal operation of a font, even though the Katakana system works rather
differently from the normal Roman alphabet. In Katakana, entire syllables are
represented by one character. So, for example, there is no letter `R' in the
alphabet. But there are `RA', `RI', `RU', `RE', and `RO'. But how to map that
onto the Roman keyboard? I thought of using a good combination of shift, alt,
and control keys to make the different combinations of consonants and vowels.
The numbers are represented by the Kanji (Chinese characters) of the respective
number. 1 is "ichi", and 0 is "juu", so 0 is the character for 10. AFAIK, there
is no Kanji representation of the number 0 by itself. Other symbols, like the
hyphen, comma, period, quotation marks, etc, are represented by their Japanese
equivalents. The @ symbol I made into the Hiragana "NO" character, just
because it could be useful, and because they look similar anyway.
So, for the font, pressing `r' makes the `RA' character; Shift-r makes `RI';
Alt-r, `RU'; Ctrl-r, `RE'; and Ctrl-Alt-r, `RO'. Problems arise in that the
middle row of keys (f,g,h,j,k) are special control keys, and don't work with
Alt. Not to mention that all those commodities have hotkeys like alt-b, alt-s,
and alt-n, etc. Oh, well, it was worth a try.
It's still fun to look at, though, huh? Enjoy!
Be sure to look on my WebPage for the other projects that I've put on AmiNet.
Chris Covell
"The memories of one lifetime take five to write about."