This is a very special Workbench grab: it is pretty large (1280x1024x256),
it has Windows running in a Pc-Task window, it has Netscape running on a
ShapeShifter window, it has Ibrowse and a couple more windows, just to use up
all the ChipRam of my A1200. Don't think my Workbench always looks that way:
I use a 32-color 648x480 Multiscan screen and run programs on separate
screens whenever possible, but this time I wanted to prove myself that the
Amiga is still capable of surprising things. And the result managed to
surprise myself, too: all programs were running, though slowly (also thanks
to Executive and my '060), I could move windows' windows (!), open a local
page into both Netscape and Ibrowse , and the system was stable enough not to
crash in spite of the heavy load. So we can still say: "Only Amiga makes it
For any questions/suggestions/flames feel free to mail me at the addres shown
below. Long live the Amiga.