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pix/wb/SnillesWB.lha |
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Description of my buteful and always fatefull -Marina-
The hardware:
Amiga 3000 Desktop - (Well it WAS a desktop, now I don't know...)
CyberStorm MK II - CPU 68060 50Mhz, MMU, FPU.
Cyber SCSI-II - controrler for Cyberstorm, YES it works on A3k TO!
(whith some modifications on motherboard).
Kickstart 3.1 - The kickstart ROM.
A extra desktop box - To fit all Harddisks in.
Picasso IV 4 Meg. - Graphichal card.
Zip to Simm converter - To be abel to use 16 Meg of Fastram on Motherboard.
in SIMM format.
32 Meg of Fastram - On the Cyberstorm card.
2 Meg Chipram. - As usual in A3000...
ApolloAT IDE incerface - IDE controller card.
2 IDE Harddrives. - Master 1 GB, Slave 850 MB.
2 SCSI Harddrives. - SCSI ID:0 2.14 GB, SCSI ID:1 240 MB.
8*Spinn SCSI-II CD-Rom - SCSI ID:2 MATSHITA CD-Rom drive.
SCSI JAZ Drive - Plus 4 Jazdisks.
DD Floppy diskdrive. - Normal A3000 diskdrive.
Soundenhancer. - Enhanced sound output.
Ani 8-Line decoder - Swedish CallerID decoder for 8 Phonelines.
InfraRexx interface - IR Remote control from computer.
Modem - USRobotics COURIER 56K X2 V.Everything.
2 * Multiface card III - 4 ext. Serial ports, 2 ext. Parallel.
15" Shamrock Monitor - Normal SVGA PC monitor.
PC-Keyboard converter - To be abel to use normal PC keyboards.
IBM Win 95 PC-Keyboard - Well, to write on...
Crystal Trackball - Very nice Trackball (enhanced for 3 button function)
Mouse/Joy shifter - Switch between Mous or Joystick in Port 1
2 * Tac2 Joysitcks - The ORGINAL and BEST Joystick!
Amplifier about 4*200W - Computer connected to my complete Steresystem.
Speakers about 250W - Just for your information.
Computer table - Very good table called Jerker from IKEA.
Computer chair - and also a very good chair called Tommy from IKEA.
Some more insignificant junk...
Some software that i use to get my system lock like I want to:
Fullscreen Workbench - 1280*1024 16Bit (65536 colors) (No virtualscreen).
ScalOS - Workbenchreplacement.
Picasso96 - Grapichal system.
Executive - Enhanced scheduling and all kind of meters.
ARQ - Requester inprover.
BananANI - Caller ID program for the harware.
ASIMCDFS - CD-Filesystem.
Birdie - Backgrounds in windowborders.
ForceIcon - Force appicons and other icons to be where I want.
InfraRexx - IR-Remote system programs for the IR-Interface.
MagicMenu - Enhaced menus.
MCP - Master Control Program.
MegaNote - Stickit nots for Workbench.
C-Net - My BBS Program.
SwazInfo - Enhanced icon handling.
TolleUhr - A clock.
Clip Board Enhancer - Very helpful enhancer for clips.
PowerSnap - Snap utility.
Stat Ram Device - For virtual disks in memory.
MFS - Multi file system (Read PC, Mac and Amiga disk in DF0:).
ToolsDeamon - Enhanced menu editing and handling.
Well... That's it i think...
I love my -Marina-!
Mail me if you have questions or just want to know anything about my system.
Over and out!
Contents of pix/wb/SnillesWB.lha
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[generic] 454089 454089 100.0% -lh0- 10eb Oct 26 1997 SnillesWB.jpg
[generic] 1711 3479 49.2% -lh5- 5007 Oct 26 1997 SnillesWB.readme
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Total 2 files 455800 457568 99.6% Oct 27 1997
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