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Short:PageStream 3.2h2 patch set
Author:Soft-Logik Publishing, Inc.
Uploader:soft-logik cup portal com
Download:text/dtp/pgs3h21.lha - View contents

This is file 1 of a 2-file set. You need pgs3h21.lha and pgs3h22.lha.


As many of you know, Soft-Logik released the TextFX extension last
week with a new version of PageStream called 3.0h2. The reasons for
this new version were:

1. TextFX required a few programming hooks that weren't in 3.0h.

2. 3.0i wasn't ready to go yet, but TextFX was done.

3. We didn't want to hold TextFX back until 3.0i was done.

We know that calling it 3.0h2 is a bit confusing. We chose this
instead of calling it 3.0i because:

1. We had already said the next version would be 3.0i and would
include specific features. Calling this version 3.0i and the next
version 3.0j would confuse people.

2. It's still better than PageStream95. ;-)

3. We don't like the letter 'j' and wanted to stop before we ran out
of letters.

Our intention was to release 3.0h2 with TextFX orders only. We
decided to keep 3.0h as the current shipping version. Then we

1. 3.0h2 is much better than 3.0h. It seemed silly to keep shipping
3.0h when we could ship a better version that was release-able.

2. Somebody would post online that they had 3.0h2 and the rest of
you didn't. Villagers would be at the gate throwing stones within
the hour.

Then a few villagers gathered outside of the gate and started
boiling water. They chanted "give us a patch, give us a patch..."
Another group of villagers stood beside them holding pitchforks, and
chanting "patches are evil, give us 3.1 now."

Forced between choosing boiling water or pitchforks, we decided to
release 3.0h2 as a patch. (Actually, if the truth is to be told, we
let our GEnie and CompuServe users vote on whether they wanted 3.0h2
released online. Most wanted a patch, thus we've uploaded a patch.)

v3.0i isn't that far off. If you want to skip this version, go
ahead. There will be a direct 3.0h to 3.0i patch as well as the
3.0h2 to 3.0i patch. But typing is much more comfortable in this
version, so if you use PageStream a lot, I recommend getting 3.0h2.

The patch filenames are PGS3H21.LHA and PGS3H22.LHA. You must have
3.0h installed on your hard drive and you must download both files.
The files are already on the Soft-Logik BBS (314-256-8971), and are
on Genie and CompuServe. They will be on Portal and Aminet soon.

CHANGES FROM 3.0h TO 3.0h2

- Implemented buffered typing for greater speed!
- Implemented Undo for most text operations! Note that Undo typing
  will not undo typing to the last non-typing change, as in most
  programs. It will undo the last block of typed characters. This
  will change in a future version.
- Implemented the Character Set gadget for importing and exporting
  ASCII text. Added a Windows character set option to the popup.
- Fixed clicking at the end of the last line in an article which
  caused the attributes to revert to the default.
- Fixed the problem with phony 'cursors' appearing on blank lines
  and at ends of lines when drag selecting text.
- Fixed the redraw problem with backspacing in kerned or tracked
  text. (Parts of letters were not erased.)
- Fixed the redraw problem with moving kerned or tracked frameless
  text objects. (Parts of the rightmost character were not erased.)
- Corrected cursor placement with tabs. It will now place the cursor
  on the side of the tab you click on, instead of always on the
- Fixed the use of multiple tabs when custom tab stops had not been
- Fixed scaling of PostScript ABF screen fonts. (They were not being
  scaled to match the type size.)
- Fixed the rotation of Soft-Logik bitmap fonts. They are no longer
  offset incorrectly, and they're faster now too. PostScript bitmap
  fonts no longer get offset incorrectly, but they may still scale
- Fixed move to end of line (Shift Right Arrow) when the line was
  ended with a New Line instead of a New Paragraph.
- Fixed the leading grid option. It still uses global preferences
  instead of document preferences, but no longer causes crashes.
- Fixed the cursor position problem on lines with manual kerning.
- Fixed the problem with the Ok gadget not unghosting in the Manual
  Kern requester.
- Corrected the icons for tabs to match other programs. The left and
  right icons were backwards from the standard set by others.
- Fixed the undesirable snapping of tabs to the nearest 1/16th of an
  inch when they were selected in the Tabs requester.
- Adjusted text highlighting for kerned and tracked text, so that it
  now highlights text in a visually correct manner, even though it
  was technically correct before.
- Fixed the monospaced tracking problem with the narrowest character
  in a font not being monospaced.
- The Line/Fill button in the toolbar now works for text when the
  Text tool is selected.
- Added a Ctrl C mnemonic for unicode 8216 (quote single left): 'l
- Added a better Ctrl C mnemonic for unicode 8217 (quote single
  right): 'r  (You can still use the old mnemonic listed in the

- Increased the speed of the Group command by approximately 1000%.
- Implemented external drawing objects.
- Line/Fill attributes can no longer be applied to groups. (In prior
  versions, they were applied to the group's bounding box. In the
  future we plan to allow Line/Fill attributes applied to groups to
  be applied to the group's subobjects, as in v2.2, but for now, it
  is simply disabled to avoid confusion.)
- Changed the way drawings and compound objects work, so that
  attributes such as rotation are applied to the object, not to its
  subobjects. This makes it considerably faster, and allows external
  drawings to be rotated and scaled without affecting the external
- Fixed the problem with outlines for rotated drawing objects.
- Undo resizing of a frameless text object now works as expected.
- Fixed resizing of paths end over end. The width and height remain
  positive now.
- Fixed the crash bug with 0 copies and Transform. It now works as
  documented in the manual.
- Fixed Distribute so that it no longer takes the line thickness
  into account when calculating the bounding box.
- Fixed Distribute so that Left/Center Right distribution place all
  objects inside the bounding box.
- Added more busy pointers when applicable for object manipulation.

- Fixed the problem with printing DMF (and some other fonts) to
  PostScript level 1 printers.
- If you couldn't get special characters to print on your PostScript
  printer, they should print now. A number of PPD files for popular
  printers are lacking two mandatory parameters. PageStream will now
  default to the most likely value if the parameters are missing.
- Monospaced tracking now prints correctly.
- Fixed printing of compound objects. (ProDraw and ProPage files use
  compound objects.)
- Fixed printing of gradient filled text shadows. Note that shape
  filled shadows will print as solid at this time.
- EPS files printed to disk no longer have an EOF, even if "Include
  EOF" is on. The EOF caused problems when PageStream3 generated EPS
  files were printed from some PC and Mac programs such as XPress
  and PageMaker.

- Fixed printing of gradient fills with landscape orientation.

- Increased the speed of importing drawings by approximately 1000%.
- Increased the speed of loading documents with drawings by
  approximately 1000% for the portion of the load time related to
  the drawings.
- Fixed the crash problem when saving files with names longer than
  30 characters.
- Fixed the problem with Black coming in as Black.1 from Art
  Expression EPS files.
- Fixed the problem with documents being saved in the wrong
- Fixed the paragraph spacing problem when opening ProPage
- Improved the speed of loading and saving IFF ILBM and PCX
- Made the TIFF filter import files with extra Photoshop channels.
  The channels will be ignored, but the files can now be imported.

- When you place the insertion point and then choose the Object
  tool, the text object will now be selected instead of the
  previously selected object. It now works the same as PageStream2.
- Fixed the annoying problem with rounding errors when scrolling
  the screen. (Parts of the screen would appear 1 or 2 pixels off.)
- Fixed the problem with creating more than 10 documents, chapters,
  master pages or colors all based on the same name. ie, untitled.1,
  untitled.2..., in which the numbering went from .10 to .111 to
  unusual numbers. This could potentially crash the program, and
  was most noticeable in importing ProDraw Clips.
- Fixed the minor problem with small black lines appearing next
  to the vertical scroll bar when using the scroll arrow gadgets.
- Added a fractional delay when changing screen modes with the
  Settings/Screen command, to ensure that the PageStream3 screen is
  shut down before a new one is created. (If the new one was created
  before the former is shut down, the second one had to be called
  PageStream3.1, which conflicted with some ARexx scripts.)
- The Insert Page, Delete Page and Move Page commands are now
  ghosted when you're viewing a master page, because they are not
  applicable to this type of page.
- Fixed a keyboard shortcut conflict in the Insert Date requester.
- Opening a new document in a non-English version of PageStream3
  will now use the localized name for the term "View" in the
  document window titlebar.
- Deleted the Type/Weight command because it was redundant.
- Removed embossing from ruler sub-unit tick marks. This will
  reduce flicker for people with non-flicker free displays, and
  even fractionally speeds up redraws, without detracting from
  the appearance of the rulers.
- Implemented localized unqualified menu shortcuts. (This means that
  the keyboard shortcuts should now be correct for the Object menu
  in the German version of PageStream3.)
- Made it impossible to use Ctrl shorcuts for grayed out Type menu
- Printer drivers now use AmigaDOS system alerts rather than custom
  alert requesters.

- Fixed the problem with > signs coming back from the editor as >>.
- Double dashes will now come back as en dashes, and triple dashes
  as em dashes. Typewriter quotation marks will still not be
  converted to typographic quotation marks because this may be
  disconcerting to some people.

- Implemented the Print Signature macro script. Note that it works
  differently than documented on page 316 of the manual. Refer to
  the help system for details. (Note that it does not yet work with
  automatic page numbering; you must number pages manually.)
- Implemented the Find OverSet Text macro script. Note that it
  displays the first page it finds with overset text. You should
  correct the text and then run the macro again. It will alert you
  when there is no overset text.
- Added a new Insert Signature Block macro. This lets you append
  your signature block to the end of your letters. The first time
  you use it, it will ask you to create your signature block.
- Rewrote the Automatic Text Frame macro script. It now takes an
  argument of DEFAULT which will create the new frame with the
  master page's margin and column guide values, rather than using
  the size of the current frame. The default PageStream3.macros
  file's Macros menu command works the same as before, and F4 is
  assigned to execute it with the DEFAULT argument. This is useful
  if the current frame doesn't match the next page's frame. i.e.,
  the first page is a cover sheet, and if you need a second page,
  you'd rather not leave room for a letterhead.
- Corrected the Open Template macro data for Avery labels size 5196.

- Fixed the problem with recording some import/export operations.
- New parameters: EDITTEXTOBJ (requires TextFX extension)
- Increased the speed of the MAKECOMPOUND command by approximately
- GETARTICLE FRAMES now starts numbering from 0 rather than 1, to
  maintain consistency with other commands.
- Fixed the ARTICLEID parameter in all applicable commands.
- You can now pass arguments to external scripts when executing them
  from an internal macro. Syntax: RX "script arg1 arg2..."

- Added a missing Settings/Help command to access its help system.
- Added Right Amiga I as a short cut for Project/Insert.

- Dramatically increased the speed of painting.
- Fixed the problem with recording the setting of the brush size.
- No longers displays a busy pointer after each macro paint action.
- Fixed the problem with black and white being reversed when
  converting a B&W picture to color.
- Fixed a potential crash problem when cancelling Convert, or when
  converting to the same type and depth.
- New ARexx command: GETSCREENDPI.

- This filter is sold separately, but if you own it and have it
  installed, this patch will update it to the latest version.
- Fixed the problem with landscape documents opening as portrait.
- Fixed the problem with out of order tabs. (PageStream expects tabs
  to be sorted, whereas Wordworth saves them in the order they were
- Fixed the problem with non-filled tabs being imported as tabs
  filled with spaces.

- This engine is sold separately, but if you own it and have it
  installed, this patch will update it to the latest version.
- Updated for compatibility with the new TextFX extension.

Contents of text/dtp/pgs3h21.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic]                  255     628  40.6% -lh5- 007a Jun 28  1995
[generic]                  442     825  53.6% -lh5- e19b Oct 14  1995 3.0h2Update/
[generic]                18073   18073 100.0% -lh0- f96b Oct 14  1995 3.0h2Update/TextFXdoc.LHA
[generic]                 2048    4810  42.6% -lh5- 357e Oct 14  1995 Read.1st!
[generic]                  294     559  52.6% -lh5- ec1e Oct 14  1995 Read.1st!.info
[generic]                16295   16295 100.0% -lh0- 2cb4 Oct 14  1995 3.0h2update/XTpatch.LHA
[generic]                26262   26262 100.0% -lh0- 72b9 Oct 14  1995 3.0h2Update/BMEpatch.LHA
[generic]               110702  110702 100.0% -lh0- be30 Oct 14  1995 3.0h2Update/Engines.LHA
[generic]                 7385    7385 100.0% -lh0- 8977 Oct 14  1995 3.0h2Update/FilterAE.LHA
[generic]                 3235    3235 100.0% -lh0- 80e6 Oct 14  1995 3.0h2Update/FilterPC.LHA
[generic]                15381   15381 100.0% -lh0- b174 Oct 14  1995 3.0h2Update/FilterPP.LHA
[generic]                60871   60871 100.0% -lh0- f216 Oct 14  1995 3.0h2Update/Filters.LHA
[generic]                 9406    9406 100.0% -lh0- eb8e Oct 14  1995 3.0h2Update/FilterTI.LHA
[generic]                13183   13183 100.0% -lh0- f18a Oct 14  1995 3.0h2Update/FilterWW.LHA
[generic]               112872  112872 100.0% -lh0- c89b Oct 14  1995 3.0h2Update/Libs.LHA
[generic]                13457   13457 100.0% -lh0- ec05 Oct 14  1995 3.0h2Update/PLpatch.LHA
[generic]                14409   14409 100.0% -lh0- 02ba Oct 14  1995 3.0h2Update/PrinterEP.LHA
[generic]                14165   14165 100.0% -lh0- 0d47 Oct 14  1995 3.0h2Update/PrinterFA.LHA
[generic]                13522   13522 100.0% -lh0- 745d Oct 14  1995 3.0h2Update/PrinterHP.LHA
[generic]                 8775    8775 100.0% -lh0- 6fdf Oct 14  1995 3.0h2Update/PrinterIF.LHA
[generic]                10409   10409 100.0% -lh0- 927c Oct 14  1995 3.0h2Update/PrinterPR.LHA
[generic]                38127   38127 100.0% -lh0- 7285 Oct 14  1995 3.0h2Update/PrinterPS.LHA
[generic]                 7810    7810 100.0% -lh0- 5ced Oct 14  1995 3.0h2Update/Read.LHA
[generic]                20895   20895 100.0% -lh0- dc37 Oct 14  1995 3.0h2Update/Tips.LHA
[generic]                17720   17720 100.0% -lh0- 9d9a Oct 14  1995 3.0h2update/Macros.LHA
[generic]                 9285   14636  63.4% -lh5- e89d Oct 14  1995 3.0h2update/spatch
[generic]                 2784   10225  27.2% -lh5- 066f Oct 15  1995 3.0h2Update/Install-PageStream3.0h2
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        27 files  568062  584637  97.2%            Oct 17  1995
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