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These messages were posted to the Final Writer Mailing List during the
month of April 1998.
To join the List, please send an empty email to finalwriter@coollist.com.
Reply the following email without any changes.
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Dies beinhaltet die geposteten Emails der Final Writer Mailing Liste vom
April 1998.
Um der Liste beizutreten, sende eine leere Email an finalwriter@coollist.com.
Schicke die Antwort von coollist.com ohne eine Änderung zurück.
Oder sende mir eine Email. Ich werde Dich in die Liste aufnehmen.
Contents of text/fwrit/fw-ml-9804.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 6516 23363 27.9% -lh5- ed21 May 4 1998 fw-ml-9804
[generic] 233 440 53.0% -lh5- 272a May 7 1998 FW-ML-9804.info
[generic] 407 856 47.5% -lh5- 090a May 4 1998 FW-ML-9804.readme
[generic] 232 440 52.7% -lh5- f88b May 7 1998 FW-ML-9804.readme.info
[generic] 1361 3952 34.4% -lh5- 31bc May 5 1998 fw-ml-eng.faq
[generic] 235 440 53.4% -lh5- 7ff9 May 7 1998 FW-ML-ENG.FAQ.info
[generic] 1178 3532 33.4% -lh5- 37ea Mar 23 1998 fw-ml.faq
[generic] 233 440 53.0% -lh5- 5950 May 7 1998 FW-ML.FAQ.info
[generic] 583 1882 31.0% -lh5- e318 May 5 1998 Statistix-9804
[generic] 236 440 53.6% -lh5- b440 May 7 1998 Statistix-9804.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 10 files 11214 35785 31.3% May 9 1998
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