What's up?
Most 1.56 is a 2.0 only textviewer which I wrote with full workbench
support in mind. Docs are included in both English and German. Catalogs
are included for Dansk, English, French, German, Italian, Nederlands,
Spanish and Swedish. An overview of interesting features:
- unlimited number of windows
- each text has its own process
- search function
- highly configurable
- clipboard support
- "click-and-load" function for includes
- font sensitive GUI
- PubScreen, CustomScreen or Workbench
- AppWindow, AppIcon
- ARexx port
- localization with locale.library
- AmigaGuide help files
- XPK support
- pipe support
- as mentioned, kickstart 2.0 (or higher) is required
I release Most 1.56 under the concept of GiftWare! So if you find
Most a useful tool (and of course use it) please make me a present of
any kind - and make me very happy. Beside this I keep my Copyright:
Copyright (C) 1992/93/94 by Uwe Roehm
It is freely distributable, as long as you distribute all files!
Feel free to include it in public domain collections (i.e. fishdisks).
Version 1.56:
- bugfix: window dimensions less or equal 0 will be replaced by the screen's
values and doesn't end in a deadlock anymore.
- bugfix: Most's icon is searched in PROGDIR: so that it'll also be found
if Most has been launched as default tool from the WB path.
- bugfix: Fixed enforcer hit if choosing a directory in the filerequester.
- new spanish translation by Antonio Joaquin Gomez Gonzalez
- documentation updated
Version 1.55:
- bugfix: console buffer made local to each process
- bugfix: exact error message for non-existing PubScreen
- bugfix: filenames which include patterns (like "(" or ")") will be found
- bugfix: PORTNAME and PUBSCREEN still had been swapped sometimes ;(
- if started from shell error messages will be printed there
- "n", "." and "/" update checkmarks if search window is open
- jump-line-requester will be cleared to 0 for faster input
- jump to first column with keypad-5
- shortcut for activating search-string gadget does work in text window too
- new swedish catalog
Version 1.54
- Bugfix: Removed enforcer hit with icons without tooltypes
- Bugfix: PUBSCREEN and PORTNAME tooltypes had been swapped
- Documentation updated
- New french catalog file
- New italian catalog file
Version 1.53
- ARexx commands as tooltypes
- New tab width menu item
- Dansk catalog file
- Bugfixes
- Compiled with SAS/C 6.51
Version 1.50
- New option STACKSIZE
- New print menu item
- Bugfixes
- Now compiled with SAS/C 6.50
Version 1.45