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Short:Glyphs for use by Ucode - Set 7
Author: shillito at (Ken Shillito)
Uploader:shillito tpg com au (Ken Shillito)
Download:text/show/UcodeGlyphs7.lha - View contents


 UcodeGlyphs7     Version 1.00    April 2002

 You must already have my Ucode distribution installed, before you can
 install UcodeGlyphs7.  (i.e.  Ucode.lha  in  text/show)

 UcodeGlyphs7 contains glyphs for all Unicodes from 7C00 - 87FF for the
 principal nominal heights, i.e.:

               5    tiny
               8    small
              11    normal
              14    H1
              17    H2
              20    H3
              23    H4
              26    H5
              29    H6

 and the following other attributes:

      width descriptor   NM   normal
      style descriptor   SS   sans serif
      weight descriptor   1   lightest 

 The glyphs 4E00 - 9FFF make up the entire set of CJK glyphs. You can
 find the CJK glyphs of the principal nominal heights in these glyph packs:

              UcodeGlyphs3     4E00 - 57FF
              UcodeGlyphs4     5800 - 63FF
              UcodeGlyphs5     6400 - 6FFF
              UcodeGlyphs6     7000 - 7BFF
              UcodeGlyphs7     7C00 - 87FF
              UcodeGlyphs8     8800 - 93FF
              UcodeGlyphs9     9400 - 9FFF

 So, in Ucode glyph packs 3 to 9, you have all the basic CJK glyphs in all
 the principal nominal heights.

 1. Most CJK glyphs are unreadable in sizes 5 and 8.
 2. Although I describe size 11 as "normal", CJK characters are hard
    to read at that size, and in practice you would want to use larger
    sizes to display CJK text.
 3. For size 29, I have rather poor glyphs for some of the less-used
    glyphs. But all the glyphs in Big5, Shift-JIS and KSX5601 are of
    good quality.
 4. The glyphs in these glyph packs are optimised for Chinese. I will
    distribute in further glyph packs optimised for Japanese Shift-JIS
 5. The glyphs are in traditional style, optimised for readability rather
    than beauty. They look more like the sample glyphs in Version 2 of
    the Unicode than those in version 3.
 6. I have made the glyphs all of fixed width in accord with usual CJK
    text layout.
 7. The license in my Ucode distribution applies also to this glyph pack.

 ***       Watch in the Aminet for more Ucode glyph packs           ***

Contents of text/show/UcodeGlyphs7.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 1520    2292  66.3% -lh5- 3af1 Apr 19  2002
[generic]                  431    1175  36.7% -lh5- f07d Apr 19  2002 UcodeGlyphs7/Install-UcodeGlyphs7
[generic]                  320     662  48.3% -lh5- fcb5 Apr 19  2002 UcodeGlyphs7/
[generic]                   13      13 100.0% -lh0- 3ffa Apr 19  2002 UcodeGlyphs7/Licenses/GlyphPack7
[generic]                 1000    2408  41.5% -lh5- 9a85 Apr 22  2002 UcodeGlyphs7/ReadMe
[generic]                  259     717  36.1% -lh5- 5e39 Apr 19  2002 UcodeGlyphs7/
[generic]                 3254   26640  12.2% -lh5- 80d8 Apr 22  2002 UcodeGlyphs7/U0000/U05/NMSS17C
[generic]                 3537   26640  13.3% -lh5- d692 Apr 22  2002 UcodeGlyphs7/U0000/U05/NMSS180
[generic]                 3149   26640  11.8% -lh5- 0793 Apr 22  2002 UcodeGlyphs7/U0000/U05/NMSS184
[generic]                 9079   32784  27.7% -lh5- 2af9 Apr 22  2002 UcodeGlyphs7/U0000/U08/NMSS17C
[generic]                 8107   32784  24.7% -lh5- f3e3 Apr 22  2002 UcodeGlyphs7/U0000/U08/NMSS180
[generic]                 7923   32784  24.2% -lh5- 7c4a Apr 22  2002 UcodeGlyphs7/U0000/U08/NMSS184
[generic]                22463   45072  49.8% -lh5- 0bfb Apr 22  2002 UcodeGlyphs7/U0000/U0B/NMSS17C
[generic]                19828   45072  44.0% -lh5- 52c8 Apr 22  2002 UcodeGlyphs7/U0000/U0B/NMSS180
[generic]                21298   45072  47.3% -lh5- 2bb1 Apr 22  2002 UcodeGlyphs7/U0000/U0B/NMSS184
[generic]                35968   86032  41.8% -lh5- f81b Apr 22  2002 UcodeGlyphs7/U0000/U0E/NMSS17C
[generic]                31681   86032  36.8% -lh5- af86 Apr 22  2002 UcodeGlyphs7/U0000/U0E/NMSS180
[generic]                33881   86032  39.4% -lh5- fdb9 Apr 22  2002 UcodeGlyphs7/U0000/U0E/NMSS184
[generic]                37206   98320  37.8% -lh5- 076a Apr 22  2002 UcodeGlyphs7/U0000/U11/NMSS17C
[generic]                32460   98320  33.0% -lh5- f8a9 Apr 22  2002 UcodeGlyphs7/U0000/U11/NMSS180
[generic]                35108   98320  35.7% -lh5- ba8a Apr 22  2002 UcodeGlyphs7/U0000/U11/NMSS184
[generic]                44766  114704  39.0% -lh5- 0a44 Apr 22  2002 UcodeGlyphs7/U0000/U14/NMSS17C
[generic]                38486  114704  33.6% -lh5- 994f Apr 22  2002 UcodeGlyphs7/U0000/U14/NMSS180
[generic]                42554  114704  37.1% -lh5- 33fe Apr 22  2002 UcodeGlyphs7/U0000/U14/NMSS184
[generic]                53300  126992  42.0% -lh5- d4f9 Apr 22  2002 UcodeGlyphs7/U0000/U17/NMSS17C
[generic]                44600  126992  35.1% -lh5- 7c46 Apr 22  2002 UcodeGlyphs7/U0000/U17/NMSS180
[generic]                49730  126992  39.2% -lh5- 4049 Apr 22  2002 UcodeGlyphs7/U0000/U17/NMSS184
[generic]                61244  139280  44.0% -lh5- ae6d Apr 22  2002 UcodeGlyphs7/U0000/U1A/NMSS17C
[generic]                50972  139280  36.6% -lh5- 48bc Apr 22  2002 UcodeGlyphs7/U0000/U1A/NMSS180
[generic]                56497  139280  40.6% -lh5- 2d00 Apr 22  2002 UcodeGlyphs7/U0000/U1A/NMSS184
[generic]                70140  155664  45.1% -lh5- 5eb8 Apr 22  2002 UcodeGlyphs7/U0000/U1D/NMSS17C
[generic]                57752  155664  37.1% -lh5- 2720 Apr 22  2002 UcodeGlyphs7/U0000/U1D/NMSS180
[generic]                64207  155664  41.2% -lh5- 9d9d Apr 22  2002 UcodeGlyphs7/U0000/U1D/NMSS184
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        33 files  942733 2483731  38.0%            Apr 24  2002
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