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AmiClock v1.1 - By Gareth Murfin aka Gaz
This is a nice little Clock which I coded in Blitz, it has the date on it and
should adapt to your workbench colours nicely so it can sit in the corner and
inform you of the time all day long. This is why I have made it a BootUp
utility because it can be started on every boot and still not look out of
place. It has some extra features because I tried to get the most out of
using BlitzBasic, they are :-
o Needs NO installation, drag into your WBstartup drawer and its done!
o Says an automated message on innitiation and closure (cool words :)
o Uses Blitz Say and not Commodore, this SHOULD be more realistic :)
o Can be ran simply by double clicking
o Makes rebooting more interesting!
o Now supports Tool Types!
o Works on ALL versions of Workbench and Setpatch *
o Works on ALL Amiga's *
o No Special requirements *²
o Supports the revolutionary $POO command! *³
* This is TRUE in theory although it has only been tested on :-
Workbench 3.1 + Amiga International® SetPatch 97 running on my
A1200Tg 040/25/25/MMU + 18Meg RAM + 2xCD,520HD,
*² Well actually there are very basic requirements, these are :-
A battery backed up clock (Most Accelerators have these)
The Translator.lib (included, simply copy to LIBS:)
The Narrator.device (included, simply copy to devs:)
Say (included, simply copy to C:)
*³ Poo is a revolutionary new command like Version. Download it from AmiNet
or the Alpha URL today!
Right then, install this and then let me know what you think via email
(gazy@globalnet.co.uk) Also look out on AmiNet for my other creations
which are :-
Dwarfx24.lha - The Ultimate AmIRC enhancement package
Theme040.lha - An 040 patch for ThemePark
ZombieFest.lha - A small Zombie Music and Gfx demo
Dwarfdemo.lha - A small Music and Gfx demo with nice scrolling text
Other Cool Utilities Ive made in Blitz Include :-
AmiClock10a.lha - A nice Blitz Clock with date
AmiGreet10a.lha - Greets you on BootUp
AmiBlank10a.lha - Funky ScreenSaver!
AmiTip10a.lha - Gives you a Tip every day of the year!
At the moment I have coded in BlitzBasic, Arexx, Dos and Reality, I hope to learn
C++ in the future but right now Im working on a game in BlitzBasic, let me know if
you want to help or you just want details...
Gaz (Alpha Software)
Email - gazy@globalnet.co.uk
URL - http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~gazy/ (Alpha Software URL)
_ //
\\// Amiga Makes it possible....®
Contents of util/boot/AmiClock.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 717 1352 53.0% -lh5- fdb9 Jul 11 1997 AmiClock.info
[generic] 16413 33672 48.7% -lh5- ef1f Jan 30 1998 AmiClock/AmiClock
[generic] 273 397 68.8% -lh5- 5652 Jan 30 1998 AmiClock/AmiClock.info
[generic] 1422 2761 51.5% -lh5- bdd9 Jan 30 1998 AmiClock/Amiclock.readme
[generic] 583 1501 38.8% -lh5- 37aa Jul 11 1997 AmiClock/Amiclock.readme.info
[generic] 33859 65760 51.5% -lh5- 5842 Nov 7 1991 AmiClock/narrator.device
[generic] 3388 6220 54.5% -lh5- 681c Oct 8 1997 AmiClock/Say
[generic] 5715 10524 54.3% -lh5- 479f Jun 19 1997 AmiClock/translator.library
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 8 files 62370 122187 51.0% Jan 31 1998
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