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Short:Speaks to you on BootUp! (Many Languages)
Author:Gareth Murfin (gazy at
Uploader:Gareth Murfin (gazy globalnet co uk)
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                AmiGreet v1.5 - By Gareth "Gaz" Murfin
               Now with 2 different messages per hour and
                    Polish, Dutch & German versions!!

 · Winner of 'Software of the month' from SOMC Software publishing dept (Aug

 · Top Swedish Amiga Magazine 'Amiga·info' say "This program is meant to greet
   you on bootup, and thats exactly what it does!" 3 out of 5 Stars!  (Aug 97)

 · AmiGreet was on AFCD21/23 and AmiNet CD21!


 AmiGreet greets you in the Amiga 'voice' each time you boot up. Its messages
 change according to the time of day and it now has 2 different random messages
 per hour! There are also Polish, German and Dutch versions included in this


 This is a little program  which I coded in Blitz, originally I wanted
 a small Arexx script which either said Good Morning, Good Afternoon,
 or Goodnight when I rebooted depending on what the time of day was.
 I tried even this simple task in Arexx but I found that Arexx didnt
 seem to handle it very well (it handled it but not like I wanted!).
 So I thought I would give it a go in Blitz. And here it is! It has
 some extra features because I tried to get the most out of using
 BlitzBasic, they are :-

 o Easy installation, Click the installer and its done!
 o Says a different message every hour of the day when you reboot
 o Uses Blitz Say and not Commodore, this SHOULD be more realistic :)
 o Can be ran simply by double clicking
 o Makes rebooting more interesting!
 o Proper Version String
 o Editable ToolTypes
 o Works on ALL versions of Workbench and Setpatch *
 o Works on ALL Amiga's *
 o No Special requirements *
 o Supports the $POO command! *³

 *  So long as the installer has been run.
 *³ Poo is a revolutionary new command like Version. Download it from AmiNet
    or the Alpha URL today!

 Check out the AmiGreet Guide in the ARC for more details...


 Hello there! Are you from a different country to England? If so I want you
 to help me write a version of AmiGreet for your country. Ive already had
 talks with a Swedish man who wants me to make a Swedish version and I want
 people from all over the world to contact me and discuss a version for their
 country. All you would have to do is supply me with 24 different messages
 in your native language, 1 for each hour of the day ;) and Ill do the rest.
 You will be fully creditted in the documents and a new version of AmiGreet
 will be released! Et Voila ;) In particular I want to do Swedish, German,
 French, Finnish and Dutch versions of AmiGreet because Ive met some nice
 people from these  countries ;)

 A guide to making a foreign version of AmiGreet :-

                         Creating Foreign AmiGreet's!

  follow these simple rules :-

  1. Change each of the statements below into your native language, they dont
     have to be an exact translation so long as you realise that 0 is midnight,
     1 is 1am, 2 is 2am etc.... So make sure the words relate to the time.

  2. DONT use Special characters (umlauts/accents etc..) because Blitz Basic
     cant handle them!

  3. DONT use ? ! or . because they will distort the speech. Commas (,) are OK.

  4. Type the speech how it SOUNDS not looks! To test how it sounds goto DOS
     and do this :-   SAY <text>
     PLEASE test all the speech you do because Im not foreign and I dont know
     how it should sound! ;-)).

  5. Thanks alot for this I appreciate it. tell me your eMail & name and Ill
     put you in the AmiGreet credits which can be found in the Docs.

  Please post this form back to gazy at once you have finished
  editting it.

  If a=0 Then Speak "Good morning, it is just past midnight, welcome to
  If a=1 Then Speak "Good Morning, it is quite late, may be you should go to
  If a=2 Then Speak "Good morning, it is very late, I suh Jest you go to bed
  If a=3 Then Speak "Good Morning, it is extremely late, do you suffer from
insom nia"
  If a=4 Then Speak "Good morning, and isnt it a butiful day outside"
  If a=5 Then Speak "Good Morning, you are up very early, you must be
  If a=6 Then Speak "Good morning, its 6 in the morning, you must be an early
  If a=7 Then Speak "Good Morning, its very early, why doent you go back to bed
for a while"
  If a=8 Then Speak "Good morning, I hope you had a good nights sleep"
  If a=9 Then Speak "Good Morning, its not long past 9, welcome to workbench"
  If a=10 Then Speak "Good morning, I hope you enjoy using your amiga this
  If a=11 Then Speak "Good Morning, its nearly lunch time, I bet you are hungry"
  If a=12 Then Speak "Its lunch time, shouldnt you be eating or something"
  If a=13 Then Speak "Good afternoon, I hope you enjoyed your lunch"
  If a=14 Then Speak "Good afternoon, welcome to amiga workbench"
  If a=15 Then Speak "Good afternoon, it is past 3 o clock, enjoy using your
  If a=16 Then Speak "Good afternoon, I hope you have had a good day today"
  If a=17 Then Speak "Good afternoon, its tea time, go and get some tea and then
come back"
  If a=18 Then Speak "Its after 6 o clock, I hope you enjoyed your tea"
  If a=19 Then Speak "The night is just beginning, I hope you enjoy it"
  If a=20 Then Speak "Its past 8 o clock, welcome to your Amiga"
  If a=21 Then Speak "its past 9 o clock, why doent you have an early night"
  If a=22 Then Speak "It is getting late, enjoy the rest of the night"
  If a=23 Then Speak "its after el levin o clock, doent stay up too late"

  Also Check Out :-

  Also look out for these programs which were all done by the author. They are
  available from

  AmiClock     - Nice Wb Clock
  AmiGreet     - Greets you on bootup
  Carnlevels   - New levels for carnage
  Dwarfdemo    - Small aga demo about DWaRFx
  |DWaRFx      - Ultimate IRC scripts!
  JoyMouse     - Use CD³² pad as a mouse
  Theme040     - 040 upgrade for Themepark aga
  ZombieFest   - Small zombie film demo
  Zippyxdemo   - Aga MegaDemo
  Hoppyxdemo   - Aga MegaDemo
  Skoolz Out   - Skool Daze clone
  DMscript     - Upgrade to DiskMaster
  Dotd Rpg     - Dawn of the dead text RPG
  SetPatch97   - Unofficial GateWay 2000 SetPatch
  LunaIRC      - NEW Amiga IRC Client!
  VikRad S.E   - 4 Player War game.
  Gloom3       - Commercial DOOM game
  GloomRejects - Gloom 3 Rejected files
  GloomLoading - Bug Fixes for Gloom3
  WbLogo       - Wb backdrop animator
  AmiTip       - Brings up a tip on bootup
  Rejects      - 3 minute Cartoon with sound

  Gaz - gazy at
      - GalaxyNet #AmIRC (SpryNet.Us.GalaxyNet.Org)

  AmiGreet® is Copyright © Gareth Murfin
            C< Alpha Software.

Contents of util/boot/AmiGreet.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  271     628  43.2% -lh5- 76a7 Dec  3  1997
[generic]                 4254   10282  41.4% -lh5- 0cf0 Jan 30  1998 AmiGreet/AmiGreet.Guide
[generic]                  590    1504  39.2% -lh5- 2075 Nov 15  1997 AmiGreet/
[generic]                 3068    7099  43.2% -lh5- 606f Jan 30  1998 AmiGreet/AmiGreet.readme
[generic]                  582    1501  38.8% -lh5- eb81 Nov 15  1997 AmiGreet/
[generic]                 4517   13796  32.7% -lh5- 8102 Nov 28  1997 AmiGreet/AmiGreetDE
[generic]                  288     413  69.7% -lh5- 7146 Nov 26  1997 AmiGreet/
[generic]                 4750   14272  33.3% -lh5- 96cd Nov 28  1997 AmiGreet/AmiGreetNL
[generic]                  288     413  69.7% -lh5- b82c Dec  5  1997 AmiGreet/
[generic]                 4635   13684  33.9% -lh5- b767 Nov 28  1997 AmiGreet/AmiGreetPO
[generic]                  288     413  69.7% -lh5- f992 Nov 26  1997 AmiGreet/
[generic]                11324   31392  36.1% -lh5- 3a28 Jan 30  1998 AmiGreet/AmiGreetUK
[generic]                  287     413  69.5% -lh5- d327 Dec  5  1997 AmiGreet/
[generic]                43351   63009  68.8% -lh5- 62dd Nov 20  1997 AmiGreet/c/life.iff
[generic]                26131   49536  52.8% -lh5- 3e58 Feb  4  1996 AmiGreet/c/Play16
[generic]                 3388    6220  54.5% -lh5- 681c Oct  8  1997 AmiGreet/c/Say
[generic]                33859   65760  51.5% -lh5- 5842 Nov  7  1991 AmiGreet/devs/narrator.device
[generic]                 1601    6724  23.8% -lh5- 1b3c Dec  5  1997 AmiGreet/Install
[generic]                  332     570  58.2% -lh5- 5791 Nov 15  1997 AmiGreet/
[generic]                60617  109956  55.1% -lh5- 9576 Sep  2  1992 AmiGreet/Installer
[generic]                 5715   10524  54.3% -lh5- 479f Jun 19  1997 AmiGreet/libs/translator.library
[generic]                17407   28836  60.4% -lh5- d980 Jul  6  1994 AmiGreet/MultiView
[generic]                 8872   13928  63.7% -lh5- e9b1 Jun 28  1980 AmiGreet/PPMore
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        23 files  236415  450873  52.4%            Feb  1  1998

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