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Short:V6.0 HD-Button-Menu & Startup-seq selector.
Author: support at (Kevin Winspear)
Uploader:paulb sneech demon co uk (Paul Burkey)
Requires:WB2.04+, 68020+
Download:util/boot/Multitudinous.lha - View contents

Multitudinous is a program-selector/HD-menu. With Multitudinous,
programs can be started very easily by selecting gadgets with your
mouse. You can choose between a Screen or only a small window on the

Multitudinous also has an AppIcon-function that make it possible to
easily view pictures, texts or decrunch files by dragging Icons on the

Multitudinous can be used as:

- A Workbench-enhancement to launch programs more quickly than
  from the Workbench

- As a Bootmenu to choose between several startup-sequences and/or

- As a diskmagazine-program which perhaps doesn't look as nice but is 
  easier to create with Multitudinous than with other, uncomforable

- "A gadget for every useful function" ! Multitudinous can replace
  many   tasks that otherwise would have to be done with Shell.

Advantages of Multitudinous over similar programs:
- Multitudinous is very easy to configure. Gadgets that start programs
  can be created very fast.

- Multitudinous opens a Screen full of gadgets. This leaves plenty of
  space for other things your Workbench. No flipping and searching
  between hundreds of windows on your WB.

- With the many included example-configs   Multitudinouscan be used
  immediately without having to learn much.

- Multitudinous has a good and understandable documentation that
   beginners   will be able to follow. With many examples !

- With the iconify-function additional memory can be saved when  
  launching programs. Multitudinous can be uniconified very fast.

- Because switching between several configfiles/gadget-groups is very
  fast, an endless amount of gadgets/programs can be reached
  immediately, much faster than going through drawers on your HD
  with Workbench.

============================= Archive contents =============================
Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time     Name 
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------- 
    1624    1102 32.1% 07-Jul-96 13:46:36 +Multitudinous-Editor
   53316   53316  0.0% 07-Jul-96 13:58:00 +Multitudinous
   49520   49520  0.0% 07-Jul-96 13:35:14 +Multitudinous.Guide
   25499    8940 64.9% 18-Jun-96 21:10:18
    1436     863 39.9% 07-Jul-96 13:46:36
    1192     318 73.3% 07-Jul-96 13:46:34 +M.pop
     833     173 79.2% 21-Feb-96 01:23:46 +M.Prefsconfig
    1822     656 63.9% 12-Jun-96 16:02:04 +M.utilsconfig
    2068     745 63.9% 10-Jun-96 01:41:12 +MHG
   25499    8940 64.9% 18-Jun-96 21:10:14 +Multi.Key
      15      15  0.0% 08-Jan-96 10:17:44 +Multiprefs
      41      41  0.0% 20-Jun-96 18:26:12 +M.Config
    2336     939 59.8% 20-Jun-96 18:26:12 +M.GamesConfig
    1050     317 69.8% 10-Jun-96 00:44:54 +M.Grafixconfig
    1135     329 71.0% 12-Jun-96 16:00:40 +M.Musicsconfig
     923     193 79.0% 12-Jun-96 16:01:30 +M.Newconfig
     843     179 78.7% 18-Feb-96 21:52:34
     626     150 76.0% 26-Aug-94 16:47:10 +2001.Font
     264      22 91.6% 05-Apr-96 12:17:02 +GTBMenu.Font
     264      32 87.8% 05-Apr-96 12:17:02 +Helvetica.Font
    1564      73 95.3% 05-Apr-96 12:17:02 +Topaz.Font
     524      43 91.7% 05-Apr-96 12:17:02 +2001/8
    1832     772 57.8% 05-Apr-96 12:17:02 +GTBMenu/8
    3156    1426 54.8% 05-Apr-96 12:17:02 +Helvetica/11
    3000    1633 45.5% 05-Apr-96 12:17:02 +topaz/11
    3192    1653 48.2% 05-Apr-96 12:17:02 +topaz/8
    2616    1391 46.8% 05-Apr-96 12:17:02 +2001.Font
     264      22 91.6% 05-Apr-96 12:17:02 +GTBMenu.Font
     264      32 87.8% 05-Apr-96 12:17:02 +Helvetica.Font
    1564      73 95.3% 05-Apr-96 12:17:02 +Topaz.Font
     524      43 91.7% 05-Apr-96 12:17:02 topaz/8
    2616    1391 46.8% 05-Apr-96 12:17:02 +parm.library
   23852   14204 40.4% 11-Dec-95 00:52:52
     580     397 31.5% 07-Jul-96 16:56:18 +2001/8
    1832     772 57.8% 05-Apr-96 12:17:02 +GTBMenu/8
    3156    1426 54.8% 05-Apr-96 12:17:02 +Helvetica/11
    3000    1633 45.5% 05-Apr-96 12:17:02 +topaz/11
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  227034  155427 31.5% 07-Jul-96 16:57:58   37 files

Contents of util/boot/Multitudinous.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 1102    1624  67.9% -lh5- 1d6a Jul  7  1996 Multitudinous/
[generic]                53316   53316 100.0% -lh0- 4269 Jul  7  1996 Multitudinous/MConfigs/Multitudinous-Editor
[generic]                49520   49520 100.0% -lh0- 6a01 Jul  7  1996 Multitudinous/Multitudinous
[generic]                 8940   25499  35.1% -lh5- 64ba Jun 18  1996 Multitudinous/Multitudinous.Guide
[generic]                  863    1436  60.1% -lh5- c1cf Jul  7  1996 Multitudinous/
[generic]                  318    1192  26.7% -lh5- 9270 Jul  7  1996 Multitudinous/
[generic]                  173     833  20.8% -lh5- a55b Feb 21  1996 Multitudinous/MConfigs/M.pop
[generic]                  656    1822  36.0% -lh5- 31be Jun 12  1996 Multitudinous/MConfigs/M.Prefsconfig
[generic]                  745    2068  36.0% -lh5- b8f4 Jun 10  1996 Multitudinous/MConfigs/M.utilsconfig
[generic]                 8940   25499  35.1% -lh5- 64ba Jun 18  1996 Multitudinous/MConfigs/MHG
[generic]                   15      15 100.0% -lh0- f1bc Jan  8  1996 Multitudinous/MConfigs/Multi.Key
[generic]                   41      41 100.0% -lh0- 7c30 Jun 20  1996 Multitudinous/MConfigs/Multiprefs
[generic]                  939    2336  40.2% -lh5- 85cd Jun 20  1996 Multitudinous/MConfigs/M.Config
[generic]                  317    1050  30.2% -lh5- cf3a Jun 10  1996 Multitudinous/MConfigs/M.GamesConfig
[generic]                  329    1135  29.0% -lh5- a09d Jun 12  1996 Multitudinous/MConfigs/M.Grafixconfig
[generic]                  193     923  20.9% -lh5- d427 Jun 12  1996 Multitudinous/MConfigs/M.Musicsconfig
[generic]                  179     843  21.2% -lh5- 2c40 Feb 18  1996 Multitudinous/MConfigs/M.Newconfig
[generic]                  150     626  24.0% -lh5- 31e5 Aug 26  1994 Multitudinous/MConfigs/
[generic]                   22     264   8.3% -lh5- f240 Apr  5  1996 Multitudinous/MConfigs/Fonts/2001.Font
[generic]                   32     264  12.1% -lh5- 5600 Apr  5  1996 Multitudinous/MConfigs/Fonts/GTBMenu.Font
[generic]                   73    1564   4.7% -lh5- 1e27 Apr  5  1996 Multitudinous/MConfigs/Fonts/Helvetica.Font
[generic]                   43     524   8.2% -lh5- b8e1 Apr  5  1996 Multitudinous/MConfigs/Fonts/Topaz.Font
[generic]                  772    1832  42.1% -lh5- eec3 Apr  5  1996 Multitudinous/MConfigs/Fonts/2001/8
[generic]                 1426    3156  45.2% -lh5- f60c Apr  5  1996 Multitudinous/MConfigs/Fonts/GTBMenu/8
[generic]                 1633    3000  54.4% -lh5- 8a6c Apr  5  1996 Multitudinous/MConfigs/Fonts/Helvetica/11
[generic]                 1653    3192  51.8% -lh5- c097 Apr  5  1996 Multitudinous/MConfigs/Fonts/topaz/11
[generic]                 1391    2616  53.2% -lh5- a748 Apr  5  1996 Multitudinous/MConfigs/Fonts/topaz/8
[generic]                   22     264   8.3% -lh5- f240 Apr  5  1996 Multitudinous/Fonts/2001.Font
[generic]                   32     264  12.1% -lh5- 5600 Apr  5  1996 Multitudinous/Fonts/GTBMenu.Font
[generic]                   73    1564   4.7% -lh5- 1e27 Apr  5  1996 Multitudinous/Fonts/Helvetica.Font
[generic]                   43     524   8.2% -lh5- b8e1 Apr  5  1996 Multitudinous/Fonts/Topaz.Font
[generic]                 1391    2616  53.2% -lh5- a748 Apr  5  1996 Multitudinous/Fonts/topaz/8
[generic]                14204   23852  59.6% -lh5- 0b0c Dec 11  1995 Multitudinous/Libs/parm.library
[generic]                  397     580  68.4% -lh5- 61d3 Jul  7  1996
[generic]                  772    1832  42.1% -lh5- eec3 Apr  5  1996 Multitudinous/Fonts/2001/8
[generic]                 1426    3156  45.2% -lh5- f60c Apr  5  1996 Multitudinous/Fonts/GTBMenu/8
[generic]                 1633    3000  54.4% -lh5- 8a6c Apr  5  1996 Multitudinous/Fonts/Helvetica/11
[generic]                 1653    3192  51.8% -lh5- c097 Apr  5  1996 Multitudinous/Fonts/topaz/11
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        38 files  155427  227034  68.5%            Jul 24  1996
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