MathLibsPatch 1.3beta © 1997-2003 Jess Sosnoski
This is a program that patches some functions of the mathffp.library
and mathieeesingtrans.library to use 68881/2 instructions,
hence squeezing out a bit more speed.
Speeded up FPU-using functions are SPDiv, SPMul, SPCeil, SPFloor
There are several patched functions that do not require 68881/2 instructions,
therefore can be patched on non-FPU machines.
Works on an '040 or '060 too! But only uses FPU versions of SPDiv and SPMul.
Also patches some functions of the mathieeesingbas.library
to use 68881/2 instructions, thus squeezing out a tad more speed.
(at worst...it should run at the same speed as before)
It also fixes that nasty bug with 040/060 cpu's on certain kickstart versions.
(I think...someone with an 040/060 please test this!)
I.E. It's an all-in-one replacement for FFPpatch, and MSBPatch.
Copy it to your c: directory or wherever you like.
You can add the line run <>NIL: mathlibspatch to your startup-sequence, or
user-startup. You can give it an icon and put it in WBstartup.
You can basically put it anywhere :)
(I have mine a little after setpatch in my startup-sequence)
run <>NIL: mathlibspatch
None...yet--but it will (eventually).
Although, if you don't have the right versions of the required libraries,
it will exit with a returncode of 20--this means *ANY* of the patches.
This WILL be fixed in a future version.
sorry....once it's in...it stays in!
(didn't I hear Al Bundy say that to Peg once...hmmm....)
Don't expect any miracles.
Opens mathffp.library, and mathieeesingbas.library and
never closes them.
Too lazy to combine the 2 docfiles for the old patches, so I've just
included them in the archive.
NAAAASTY patching code....I didn't do a massive amount of code cleanup
when I combined the patches, although some of it will make the next
update (commandline & output) easier.
1.0 First Release. Includes all of the functionality of
the older FFPpatch, and MSBPatch.
Also checks for the presence of an FPU, and only patches
those functions that don't use an FPU if none is present.
Did a couple of TEENSY optimizations here & there, so, it's
possible a couple of things *might* be slightly faster.
1.1 Fixed a baad bug in SPFix() which was trashing D2.
Special Thanks to Rick Pratt!
1.2 Internal, not released.
1.3 Small optims here & there in SPAdd/Sub :)
Make this doc file a bit more presentable, and maybe leave it as plain
text without Amigaguide OR HTML just for kicks.
Add command line-arguments to turn on/off selected patches.
Add output and error messages.
Make the patch exit and unpatch on CTRL-C, instead of hanging around.
One word: NitrOS!
Hmmm...what would Tom say, ohyeah, um....possibly.
(some returncode-20 error handling...both patches must fail for this
to happen)
Jess Sosnoski
651 Hillside Drive
Mount Carmel, PA 17851-2463
Updates will appear on my webpage before they appear in Aminet's RECENT file.
IRC nick: starblazr
On: galaxynet (amiga channels), dalnet (#AmigaIRC)
us.chatjunkies.org (#elitecafe)
Emails, gifts, money, food, cigarettes, Amiga4060T's will all be
gladly accepted.