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Short:DTConvert V1.8 - Universal Datatypes converter
Author: GISBURN at (Roland Mainz)
Uploader:GISBURN w-specht rhein-ruhr de (Roland Mainz)
Requires:datatypes.library >= V45.3, V45.5 recommned
Download:util/conv/DTConvert018.lha - View contents

DTConvert/DTConvert                                       DTConvert/DTConvert

       DTConvert -- DataTypes-based conversion tool

       DTConvert [FROM|NAME|SRCNAME <file>]
                 [DESTDATATYPE|DATATYPE|DTN <datatype>]
                 [TO|DESTNAME <file>] [GUI] [PUBSCREEN <public screen>]


       Convert data from one format into another format using datatypes

       DTConvert converts data from one format into another format,
       e.g. picture -> picture,
            animation -> anmation,
            movie -> movie,
            sound -> sound,
            text -> text (n/a)

      You simply have to set the souce file name (SRCNAME), the
      datatype to convert to (DATATYPE) and the destination file name (TO).

      The datatype option accepts the format names as they are written in
      DEVS:DataTypes, e.g. if you ant to save a mpeg video stream,
      you've to set DATATYPE="MPEG Video".
      If you want to use the base class (to save the incoming data to a 
      matching IFF format, simply specify the base class name, e.g.
      "picture" for picture.datatype, "sound" for sound.datatype, 
      "animation" for animation.datatype and so on.

      If you miss one of the options or if you set the GUI switch, a small
      GUI will appear where you can set the options.
      If ou're done with setting all neccesary things in the GUI, the
      "Convert"-button gets enabled.
      Selection of the "Convert"-button starts the encoding job...

      - picture.datatype V43 interface not implemented.
        This causes that any encoder only runs in V42 mode any may
        only encode 8 bit data.

      - path names are limitted to 1024 chars, larger filenames may cause
        mailfunctions. But: Who uses so long path names ?

      - datatypes.library versions V45.3 and V45.4 have a bug in
        NewDTObjectA which causes that a descriptor is unlocked too often,
        which results in an Alert( 3500000 ). >= V45.5 fixes this.

      - picture.datatype V43 pixmap interface not supported.

      - text conversion not supported yet.

      - DTConvert prints a message if a subclass does not
        implement a local encoder. This was only done to get rid
        of mails like "your DTConvert has a bug: IFF ILBM -> PNG does
        not work...". These mails should go to the authors of the
        datatype classes, not to me. Sorry, but...

      - picture.datatype V43 compatibility

      - text conversion (GID_TEXT -> GID_TEXT), e.g. IFF FTXT <-> Ascii

      - document conversion (GID_DOCUMENT -> GID_DOCUMENT), after
        Stefan Ruppert and I finsished the document.datatype concepts.

         - First release to mailinglist.

         - Added support for animation.datatype subclasses

         - Minor fixes.

         - Added support for sound.datatype V40 subclasses, partial support
           for suggested sound.datatype V41 interface.

         - Added some usefull comments.

         - WriteAnimClass/WriteSoundClass now sets
           SetIoErr( ERROR_REQUIRED_ARGUMENT_MISSING ); if something goes
           wrong (this should abort the encoder; only ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND
           is accepted here).

         - Fixed some holes in the error handling.

         - GUI added.

         - Added WB support

         - Added ENV variable support; a local or global (ENV) variable
           "DTConvert" takes the same arguments as the shell template.
           Variable settings can be overridden by any argument.

         - Project split in seperate sources (e.g. main, GUI, converters)

         - Added the feature that the datatypes selection requester shows
           only entries which match the source group IDs
           (if a source has been already selected).

         - Added kluge which alows the conversion between GID_MOVIE
           and GID_ANIMATION datatypes (both are based on
           animation.datatype, here we have the same interface :-)

         - Fixed the bug that ConvertAnimation function did not deal
           with truecolor bitmaps (e.g. CyberGFX bitmaps for example,
           truecolor bitmaps are indicated by ADTA_NumColors == 0.

         - Fixed the bug that ObtainDataTypeA was called for each
           INTUITICK if the datatype selection requester was open.

         - Fixed the bug that a descriptor was unlocked too often
           in some cases. See BUGS section above about a matching bug
           in datatypes.library V45.3 and V45.4 (V45.5 fixes this).
           Fixed (both "datatypes.library" and "DTConvert").

         - The datatypes requester now accepts ESC as "Cancel" and
           RETURN as OK.

         - The tool can now be aborted by SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C.

         - Fixed the bug that somtimes an error return code
           was overwritting by the Message() function.

         - Fixed the bug that the IFF comandline switch did not work
           (the GUI prompted everytimes in this case). But IFF and
           GUI switches does currently not co-operate :-(

         - Fixed a bug in the WB startup code which caused that a project
           without an icon wasn't processed. The code now uses
           GetDiskObjectNew instead of GetDiskObject to fix this.

         - If launched from WB, "DTConvert" now opens a console window
           manually. Previously, the default WB output channel was used
           (which was NIL:).
           Same for project childs.

         - Added output which prints a message if a subclass does not
           implement a local encoder. This was only done to get rid
           of mails like "your DTConvert has a bug: IFF ILBM -> PNG does
           not work...". These mails should go to the authors of the
           datatype classes, not to me. Sorry, but...

         - If more than one project icon is given at WB startup, "DTConvert"
           now launches the matching number of projects instead
           of processing the given icons in sequence.

         - Fixed problems with WB project startup and the current directory.

         - The icon now contains the (possible) options and sets the
           stack size up to 16384 bytes.

         - Shame on me. 
           In the last minutes of the V1.7 release build I
           decided to make "DTConvert" resident (using cres.o), which
           bombs out any __saved marked code has used by the animation
           converter section.

         - Completly removed the IFF switch because it was really
           unneccesary. If you want to save in the base class format,
           simply specify the name of the base class, e.g.
           "document" for documents,
           "text" for texts,
           "picture" for pictures,
           "sound" for sample data,
           "animation" for animation (and movies, due lack of a
               movie.datatype subclass)
           and so on...
           And the same from the GUI.

         - The "no encoder"-message is now avoided if a base class did the
           encoder job.

         - Added stack checking code. Now "DTConvert" forces the user
           to use at least 16k stack to et rid of stack related problems...

         - Minor code cleanup.

        By  releasing  this program I do  not  place any obligations on you,
        feel free to share this program with your  friends (and enemies).

        If you want to blame me, report any bugs, or wants a new version
        send your letter to:
                        Roland Mainz
                        Hohenstaufenstraße 8
                        52388 Nörvenich

        Phone: (+49)(0)2426/901568
        Fax:   (+49)(0)2426/901569

        EMAIL is also available:

        If you want to send me attachments larger than 1MB (up to 5MB,
        more with my permission):
        Up to April 1998 I'm reachable using this email address, too:

        | Please put your name and address in your mails !
        | German mailers should add their phone numbers.
        | See BUGS section above when submitting bug reports.

        Sorry, but I can only look once a week for mails.
        If you don't hear something from me within three weeks, please
        send your mail again (but watch about new releases) (problems with
        this email port are caused by reconfigurations, hackers, network
        problems etc.).

        The  entire  "DTConvert"  package may  be  noncommercially
        redistributed, provided  that  the package  is always  distributed
        in it's complete  form (including it's documentation).  A small copy
        fee for media costs is okay but any kind of commercial distribution
        is strictly forbidden! Comments  and  suggestions  how  to  improve
        this program  are generally appreciated!

        Thanks to Matt Dillon for his DICE, David Junod for this datatypes
        environment and Olaf 'Olsen' Barthel for his help, ideas and some
        text clips from his documentations.

        datatypes.library V45



Contents of util/conv/DTConvert018.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 7418   33781  22.0% -lh5- 15ce Mar 20  1998 DTConvert/convert.c
[generic]                  312     704  44.3% -lh5- ae1c Mar 20  1998 DTConvert/
[generic]                  716    1679  42.6% -lh5- dfb2 Mar 20  1998 DTConvert/convert.h
[generic]                  299     699  42.8% -lh5- 7d60 Mar 20  1998 DTConvert/
[generic]                 9398   18736  50.2% -lh5- 1b01 Mar 23  1998 DTConvert/dtconvert
[generic]                13842   61419  22.5% -lh5- b60c Mar 20  1998 DTConvert/DTConvert.c
[generic]                  312     705  44.3% -lh5- 13f1 Mar 20  1998 DTConvert/
[generic]                 3753    9488  39.6% -lh5- 39a6 Mar 20  1998 DTConvert/DTConvert.doc
[generic]                 1180    4445  26.5% -lh5- a238 Mar 20  1998 DTConvert/DTConvert.h
[generic]                  308     702  43.9% -lh5- fbeb Mar 20  1998 DTConvert/
[generic]                  499     961  51.9% -lh5- 52f5 Mar  3  1998 DTConvert/
[generic]                16581   32192  51.5% -lh5- ae40 Mar 23  1998 DTConvert/DTConvert.ld
[generic]                  394     914  43.1% -lh5- 0925 Mar 20  1998 DTConvert/DTConvert_iprotos.h
[generic]                  110     186  59.1% -lh5- a524 Mar 20  1998 DTConvert/DTConvert_rev.h
[generic]                  123     228  53.9% -lh5- 3fd2 Mar 20  1998 DTConvert/DTConvert_rev.i
[generic]                    2       2 100.0% -lh0- c793 Mar 20  1998 DTConvert/DTConvert_rev.rev
[generic]                 2277    9645  23.6% -lh5- a265 Jun 23  1997 DTConvert/gui.c
[generic]                  250     486  51.4% -lh5- 4bd6 Jun 22  1997 DTConvert/
[generic]                  973    1000  97.3% -lh5- a75e Jun 22  1997 DTConvert/gui.gui
[generic]                  453     983  46.1% -lh5- 3c94 Jun 22  1997 DTConvert/
[generic]                  667    2999  22.2% -lh5- 9c92 Jun 23  1997 DTConvert/gui.h
[generic]                  254     486  52.3% -lh5- 17f2 Jun 22  1997 DTConvert/
[generic]                 1382    3864  35.8% -lh5- 0d2f Jun 23  1997 DTConvert/misc.c
[generic]                  254     486  52.3% -lh5- 7009 Jun 23  1997 DTConvert/
[generic]                 1106    4175  26.5% -lh5- eda0 Mar 20  1998 DTConvert/smakefile
[generic]                  252    1054  23.9% -lh5- 7033 Mar 20  1998 DTConvert/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        26 files   63115  192019  32.9%            Apr  3  1998
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