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Short: | Aminet Readme Creator 3.2 |
Author: | stealth sol.de (Jens Weyer) |
Uploader: | stealth sol de (Jens Weyer) |
Type: | util/misc |
Version: | 3.2 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1999-04-02 |
Requires: | OS 2.04+ / Lha |
Replaces: | util/misc/ARC31.lha |
Download: | util/misc/ARC32.lha - View contents | Readme: | util/misc/ARC32.readme |
Downloads: | 835 |
This is a little tool, that makes it
very very easy to create a .readme
file for any lha archive, if you want
to upload it into aminet.
some FAQ for those, who are interested in:
Creating is ok, but can i use existing
readme files ??
YES - ARC has a powerful load function since
V 1.6 (load function: v1.93 / strip spaces: v0.31),
which allows you to load and use any existing
readme file !
why did you add lzx support ?
Because it was demanded by some users.
BTW lzx algorithm is more efficient than lha,
and if it will replace the lha standard or if it
will be possible to upload lzx files into aminet,
then the program will be already able to manage
this. That's why.
And why did you add the other filetypes (jpg,mpg) ?
I just added these filetypes, because I saw, that the
user of this program could only create readmes for lha
archives, but the Aminet® also takes jpgs and mpgs...
So I added them to the filerequester pattern...
At this time, the archive info has no effect on them...
But I am thinking about including datatypes support,
to read out the dimensions of a jpg and include them
automatically then.. I don't know at this time...
Tell me, what you're thinking about it !
if you often use this tool, so please
send me an email, i know it's FREEWARE,
but i like getting emails ;)
This tool was tested using
· Enforcer 37_73
· MaxonDebug
New features:
V 3.2 : Added AppWindow ability (Drag'n'Drop)
Added TREE Conversion possibility
Added TREE Update and Conversion via Internet (requires wget)
Added AmigaGuide® help system (Key: HELP)
Added Search engine to search guide
Added Iconify mode
Added easier handling of Aminet® Index List
Added updated Index List (02-Feb-99)
Minor changes to GUI
Readme created with ARC 3.2 - Copyright (c)1996-99 by Jens Weyer.
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
2584 1304 49.5% 21-Jan-99 23:48:24 ARC.info
51036 23229 54.4% 21-Feb-99 21:43:36 +ARC
28 28 0.0% 12-Nov-98 21:25:32 +ARC.brain
3027 665 78.0% 10-Mar-99 19:12:46 +ARC.info
6760 1103 83.6% 02-Feb-99 21:20:08 +ARC.NDX
2450 1239 49.4% 21-Feb-99 21:44:06 +ARC.catalog
4663 2002 57.0% 21-Feb-99 21:30:06 +ARC.cs
2542 1283 49.5% 23-Feb-99 16:06:30 +ARC.catalog
4763 2038 57.2% 23-Feb-99 16:06:28 +ARC.cs
1300 820 36.9% 07-Feb-99 13:54:28 +ARC.catalog
2384 1198 49.7% 31-Mar-99 18:24:36 +ARC.catalog
4593 1932 57.9% 30-Mar-99 22:33:40 +ARC.cs
2456 1323 46.1% 09-Mar-99 19:31:16 +ARC.catalog
4657 2150 53.8% 09-Mar-99 19:31:12 +ARC.cs
2350 1203 48.8% 23-Feb-99 03:53:46 +ARC.catalog
3010 1340 55.4% 23-Feb-99 03:53:36 +ARC_srpski.cs
1082 638 41.0% 25-May-98 15:00:26 +ARC.catalog
2058 1014 50.7% 25-May-98 15:03:34 +svenska.ct
2584 1308 49.3% 21-Jan-99 23:48:24 +Doc.info
1157 483 58.2% 14-Feb-99 17:51:40 +ARC.guide
2993 1780 40.5% 10-Mar-99 19:07:50 +ARC.guide.info
35126 12322 64.9% 23-Feb-99 19:43:38 +ARC_deutsch.guide
32626 10885 66.6% 23-Feb-99 19:10:10 +ARC_english.guide
33847 11418 66.2% 31-Mar-99 18:24:54 +ARC_italiano.guide
32221 11804 63.3% 09-Mar-99 20:12:20 +ARC_polski.guide
31263 11070 64.5% 23-Feb-99 16:14:46 +ARC_srpski.guide
1274 602 52.7% 23-Dec-98 18:50:24 +English
2441 1123 53.9% 29-Dec-97 11:18:46 +Readme.First
2584 1308 49.3% 21-Jan-99 23:48:24 +Icons.info
1849 929 49.7% 10-Mar-99 19:07:58 +ARC.guide.info
3137 1815 42.1% 10-Mar-99 19:14:28 +ARC.info
2584 1308 49.3% 21-Jan-99 23:48:24 +Install.info
1288 498 61.3% 23-Dec-98 18:59:22 +Deutsch.info
1288 499 61.2% 23-Dec-98 18:59:22 +English.info
11295 2807 75.1% 09-Mar-99 19:38:44 +Install_ARC
1289 497 61.4% 23-Dec-98 18:59:22 +Italiano.info
1287 497 61.3% 23-Dec-98 18:59:22 +Polski.info
1287 497 61.3% 23-Dec-98 18:59:22 +Srpski.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
305163 117959 61.3% 31-Mar-99 18:25:48 38 files
Operation successful.
Contents of util/misc/ARC32.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1304 2584 50.5% -lh5- 3013 Jan 21 1999 ARC.info
[generic] 23229 51036 45.5% -lh5- d928 Feb 21 1999 arc/arc
[generic] 28 28 100.0% -lh0- 5110 Nov 12 1998 ARC/ARC.brain
[generic] 665 3027 22.0% -lh5- c1fe Mar 10 1999 ARC/ARC.info
[generic] 1103 6760 16.3% -lh5- c90f Feb 2 1999 arc/arc.ndx
[generic] 1239 2450 50.6% -lh5- 533b Feb 21 1999 ARC/Catalogs/deutsch/ARC.catalog
[generic] 2002 4663 42.9% -lh5- 01a0 Feb 21 1999 ARC/Catalogs/deutsch/ARC.cs
[generic] 1283 2542 50.5% -lh5- 788c Feb 23 1999 ARC/Catalogs/français/ARC.catalog
[generic] 2038 4763 42.8% -lh5- e18d Feb 23 1999 ARC/Catalogs/français/ARC.cs
[generic] 820 1300 63.1% -lh5- 19fa Feb 7 1999 ARC/Catalogs/greek/ARC.catalog
[generic] 1198 2384 50.3% -lh5- 061c Mar 31 1999 ARC/Catalogs/italiano/ARC.catalog
[generic] 1932 4593 42.1% -lh5- d8d0 Mar 30 1999 ARC/Catalogs/italiano/ARC.cs
[generic] 1323 2456 53.9% -lh5- 5250 Mar 9 1999 ARC/Catalogs/polski/ARC.catalog
[generic] 2150 4657 46.2% -lh5- 89e0 Mar 9 1999 ARC/Catalogs/polski/ARC.cs
[generic] 1203 2350 51.2% -lh5- f2e4 Feb 23 1999 ARC/Catalogs/srpski/ARC.catalog
[generic] 1340 3010 44.5% -lh5- 1010 Feb 23 1999 ARC/Catalogs/srpski/ARC_srpski.cs
[generic] 638 1082 59.0% -lh5- ba51 May 25 1998 ARC/Catalogs/svenska/ARC.catalog
[generic] 1014 2058 49.3% -lh5- 9c7e May 25 1998 ARC/Catalogs/svenska/svenska.ct
[generic] 1308 2584 50.6% -lh5- c7ea Jan 21 1999 ARC/Doc.info
[generic] 483 1157 41.7% -lh5- 0057 Feb 14 1999 ARC/Doc/ARC.guide
[generic] 1780 2993 59.5% -lh5- d9a9 Mar 10 1999 ARC/Doc/ARC.guide.info
[generic] 12322 35126 35.1% -lh5- cac4 Feb 23 1999 ARC/Doc/ARC_deutsch.guide
[generic] 10885 32626 33.4% -lh5- 9542 Feb 23 1999 ARC/Doc/ARC_english.guide
[generic] 11418 33847 33.7% -lh5- 2307 Mar 31 1999 ARC/Doc/ARC_italiano.guide
[generic] 11804 32221 36.6% -lh5- 3666 Mar 9 1999 ARC/Doc/ARC_polski.guide
[generic] 11070 31263 35.4% -lh5- f8b3 Feb 23 1999 ARC/Doc/ARC_srpski.guide
[generic] 602 1274 47.3% -lh5- db6a Dec 23 1998 ARC/Doc/English
[generic] 1123 2441 46.0% -lh5- 1b62 Dec 29 1997 ARC/Doc/Readme.First
[generic] 1308 2584 50.6% -lh5- ba1e Jan 21 1999 ARC/Icons.info
[generic] 929 1849 50.2% -lh5- 7fd0 Mar 10 1999 ARC/Icons/ARC.guide.info
[generic] 1815 3137 57.9% -lh5- c98a Mar 10 1999 ARC/Icons/ARC.info
[generic] 1308 2584 50.6% -lh5- cac6 Jan 21 1999 ARC/Install.info
[generic] 498 1288 38.7% -lh5- 1f3a Dec 23 1998 ARC/Install/Deutsch.info
[generic] 499 1288 38.7% -lh5- 5e74 Dec 23 1998 ARC/Install/English.info
[generic] 2807 11295 24.9% -lh5- 5e79 Mar 9 1999 ARC/Install/Install_ARC
[generic] 497 1289 38.6% -lh5- 6dce Dec 23 1998 ARC/Install/Italiano.info
[generic] 497 1287 38.6% -lh5- b5b7 Dec 23 1998 ARC/Install/Polski.info
[generic] 497 1287 38.6% -lh5- fe2f Dec 23 1998 ARC/Install/Srpski.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 38 files 117959 305163 38.7% Apr 1 1999
Page generated in 0.02 seconds |
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Müller and the Aminet team.
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