Second release from Deniil 715 in 970328!
This package contains some programs made by Deniil 715!
All developed in Amiga-E!
Thanx Wouter van Oortmerssen $#%! for this wonderful language
on this wonderful computer!
Some of the programs..:
Timer v4.02, v4.2 -> Keeps tracking on the time your computer
is powered on and some other funktions..
Password v3.7 -> Don't let anyone else use your computer!
ModHandler v1.12 -> Do you think it's hard to now what's on your hundreds
of module-disks? If so, this is the program for you!
ModHSearcher v1.0 -> Just an extern searcher for ModHandler in WB!
ExeCom v1.3 -> Nice compliment to Workbench's 'Execute Command'.
ParTest v1.1 -> To experimentally read and write to the
parallell-port of your computer.
MarkKiller v1.0 -> To make commands that don't like the marks (" ")
usable with DirOpus, ToolsDeamon etc..
MNSwitcher v1.0 -> Changes the filenames of modules between PC and Amiga.
Detris v1.0 -> A very nice Tetris-clone for workbench!
JoinSpliter v1.0 -> The ultimate Join- and Split-program is here!
DigiConverter v1.1-> A program that converts numbers between decimal,
hexadecimal, binary and characters!
Reminder v1.1 -> A program that is extraordinary if you allways
forget about things when you sit with your computer!
Some handy e-modules for developers and a nice and little
E-Compiler Handler!
..and there is more!